Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Talking a Good Game

2A Gaming: Spreading Gun Rights Message via Video Games [More]
I have to admit upfront the gaming phenomenon is something I have never grokked.  When I was in college a bar had Pong and I remember playing PacMan and Asteroids, and Snakes on an old Windows machine. The wife enjoys Solitaire in her spare time, and back when I had some, I enjoyed a miniature golf game. Oh, I also remember playing Duck Hunt for a few minutes at a relative's house.

By the time the X-Box/Play Station stuff with multi-function controllers came out, I was too wrapped up in demanding jobs to give them a moment's thought, and my limited free time was eaten up doing Dad things with the family and around the house and yard. Anything in excess of that and it was a cigar and a couple fingers of the good stuff on the porch for me to decompress.

Feral sons Uday and Qusay, on the other hand, grew up with it all and are quite adept, but I would watch them for a few minutes and decide it was all above, if not my pay grade, any incentive to spend the time to learn.

So with my near-total ignorance stipulated, let me venture an opinion:  My impression of gamers is they had better be given top-quality graphics, compelling character and scenarios, and top-notch competition, and anything less will be rejected and ruthlessly ridiculed. So if they're going to do it, do it right and spend the needed money to employ "top men."

Do it on the cheap or make the primary purpose to ham-handedly preach and you may as well not do it at all.

It's not a bad idea, but its success will all be in the execution. I hope you guys do it right. Good luck.

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