Monday, March 30, 2020

That Was Uncalled For

Except ad hominem is the logical fallacy resort of those trying to gin up mob support by hurling insults. Because Constitutionally speaking, Massie was right, and those manipulated to scream against a recorded vote because it's "their guy" doing it know not what they enable.

But hey, it's not like a voice vote has ever come back to bite us in the ass before, right, gun owners?


John Lott writes a much-needed "In Defense of Congressman Thomas Massie."

[Via Michael G]


  1. USAAF personnel used to say "When the flak is heaviest you must be over the target."

  2. I remember exactly the same high-school clique brouhaha when Ron Paul was the lone vote against one of the two components that became the original Patriot Act. We need to learn from history, dammit.


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