Sunday, April 05, 2020

Nights of the Round Table

Looks like I'm on in Hour 3 again tonight, starting at 10:00 Eastern.

As always, you can find a station near you or listen live from the AAR website.

You can also join in via Facebook to include the 7:00 "pre-show" and stay for all three hours after that.


  1. Sorry, David. I've respected you for a long time, but this AAR outfit is fulla shit!

    There is no way to access their live broadcast, no matter what you do. They lead you into rabbit holes that are the definition of circular logic. Alice herself wouldn't be fooled to continue in this "do-loop".

    Oh, if you think I may just be "computer illiterate" in some way?

    Among my handful of degrees, there is one that says, "Computer Engineer".

    Strongly suggest to these AAR people that they get their shit together.

    Thank you, carry on, good sir.

  2. No idea why I have no problem accessing it or why you are the only person to have registered this complaint in the decade I've been posting these notices...Click on the AAR link, go to the top bar on their site and select "Listen Live," then pick Sundays, Daily or Station List based on what applies, then the station logo which in tonight's case would have taken you to the AM 930/FM 93.7 site, and then the play button in the cover banner. I just tried it again and it took me <10 seconds. No, the AAR play button won't work right now because it is no longer live, but if you click on the station logo it will take you to their page where a Listen Live button will play what IS on. Once the show is over, go to the AAR website and select "podcasts" and the show will be listed once posted, probably tomorrow, when I'll do a follow-up announcement with a link, as I always do. And, of course, there is the Facebook option I linked to.


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