Wednesday, May 27, 2020

As Requested

OK. Let's see how she does on the greatest threat:

Fine. Get her to take the challenge:


  1. Again, you demand that someone prove a negative. By this time, you must already know that proving a negative is a logical impossibility. This isn't the way our side, the side of logic and reason, conducts a campaign.

    Sure, sit back and Harumpff that so far no one has "proved you wrong" even though your "challenge" starts out wrong and never gets any better.

    I had already steeled myself about voting for Trump, but if Jorgenson mounts a believable campaign, I'll vote LP. You should, too. Want to know why?

    Because if the LP gets a measly 5% of the vote, the 2024 Presidential debates will, for only the second time, have a voice that sounds unlike either of the two we've been hearing for 30+ years.

    And if Trump loses because of my vote? BFD. What has he done for us lately? In fact, giving the Dems a chance to implement their agenda full-bore might be good for our grandchildren. We old geezers will get the revolution we all know is coming before our grandkids have to fight and die to correct what we let happen.

  2. Last time I posted this you shut up and ran away:

  3. sounds like she is for open borders.

  4. Follow-up comment by Rexxhead rejected. I have no more time to waste on, nor do I owe a forum to, someone who denies the obvious, equivocates, redirects, couches things in stupid word games, and talks around the challenge because he knows he cannot answer it.

    All credible evidence and real-world experience demonstrate "immigration" brings in a population that is overwhelmingly anti-gun and the Democrats will pass amnesty with a pathway to citizenship as soon as they are able. Anyone who wants to challenge that, bring proof, not unsubstantiated opinions.


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