Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Rich, Old, White Racists of The Lincoln Project

These are the Never Trump "Republicans" I've talked about before. the ones who are backing anti-gunner Joe Biden, and accusing Trump (and by default anyone who believes in the agenda that got him elected) of being a Confederate and a racist, while they represent "real" Americans sending him running.

What the elite useful idiots don't seem to realize is, just because they're playing the race card now against the "Deplorables" doesn't mean they'll get a pass if they succeed in ushering in unchallengeable Democrat rule.  When it's their turn, those who would load them into the tumbrels will smear them as the racists, for attributing the virtues of "Honor" to the man behind "Operation Wetback" deportations of Mexicans, "Truth" to the man who publicly advocated white supremacy, "Courage" to a man "openly opposed to civil rights and suffrage for blacks," and "Decency" to a man who was a slave owner.

1 comment:

  1. Michael Gilson6/30/2020 6:49 PM

    Club for Growth is punching back against Lincoln Project, even have an attack ad out.



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