Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Very Pretty. But Can They Tie a Knot?

The Boy Scouts of America announced new changes on Monday to honor the Black Lives Matter movement, including a new “diversity and inclusion” merit badge for Eagle Scouts. [More]
So when will these guys be publicly shamed and exiled?

[Via Mack H]


  1. Thought this outfit had changed its name, dropping reference to young males.

    No matter; all will be well as it propagandizes its membership to “ensure diversity and inclusion are engrained at every level.”

    "I promise to do my best, to loot Macy's and burn the rest..."

  2. As a Scoutmaster, I'm sure this is going to come as an unwelcome surprise to the Scouts I have currently queued to make Eagle Scout. While all Scouts recognize the need to earn a specific number of merit badges, the addition of another Eagle required badge this late in the game could be the difference between an Eagle and a "Life Scout for Life".

    This is no trivial matter. An Eagle Scout has a distinct advantage when applying to Universities. Admissions departments view the Eagle rank as concrete proof of a student's ability to stick with a challenging seven year program, and see it through to completion; while a Life Scout is someone who couldn't get the work done.

    If enlisting in the military, the Eagle rank translates to an automatic bump in rank upon completion of Basic Training (to E-3 in the Army, Navy, and Air Force, and to E-2 in the Marine Corps) These are tangible benefits, and there is now a real threat to Scouts who may be on tight schedules through no fault of their own that they will not be able to complete all of the Eagle requirements, especially if this requirement is phased in in a hurry, which is very likely, given how the tail is wagging the dog here.


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