Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Contingency Plan

GET OFF THE BENCH. Build skills and connect with others in your area to prepare for the worst-case scenario. [More]
I just found out about these folks and can't claim to know any more about them than what you can see by following the link. I do note the FAQ says they are not "like a militia."

My standard caveat-- if you involve yourself with people "in your area" you don't really know, remember that and act accordingly. I'd be interested to see what they teach about the CI/provocateur potentials and how to manage risks.

[Via Matthew L]


  1. Get on the list at the local fbi meet and greet.

    Talk to me about how they are screening out the feds

  2. “”Have a geographical understanding of your compatriots and where allies are in your region”...........yeah right, I want to be on that iist.

    Thank you skynet.


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