Monday, July 20, 2020

How About 'No'?

Kelly’s point in the Post op-ed is millions upon millions of those firearms are owned by working Americans, who will have to scrape together $200 per rifle in order to retain them. [More]
Or they could just, you know, continue with the new paradigm...

[Via bondmen]

UPDATE: I didn't see the original article the above is based on since WaPo is paywalled, but the Star Tribune has it. The writer is an über-collectivist, which is useful if we're talking about demotivating Democrat votes, but don't mistake her for anything but an enemy.


  1. "... estimated 16 million-plus privately owned AR-15s in the United States."

    One thing all concerned parties can take to the bank: damn few of those 16 million firearms were bought with the intention of turning them in on "National Common Sense Gun Safety Day."

    We have a model of America firearms owner's probable behavior should a national ban come to pass. We can just extrapolate from the response to bans already in place in California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, and sadly now in Virginia.

    You've seen and read all the MSM stories about how successful those bans have been at getting people to turn in their "assault weapons", haven't you?

    Yeah, me neither!

    Question is, now that America is in the process of extending their middle fingers to the gun grabbers, what if any will the response be?

  2. Are poll taxes also part of this program?


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