Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Your Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe

Taken all together, the collection of reporting persuasively suggests that some percentage of the Texas Covid-19 hospitalizations, likely a significant one, comes from an ongoing influx of seriously ill patients who caught the virus in Covid-exploding Mexico and are legally and illegally crossing the border to flee that country's completely overrun health system. [More]
Just keep your mask on, your business closed, and your mouth shut.  There's a more important consideration at work here.

[Via Laocoön]


  1. Since many govt stat reports demand race, ethnicity, nat'l origin and citizenship status, surely we can quickly quantify pathogens/infected persons' origins, right ?

  2. Apparently Mexico closed its border with Arizona, but Arizona left its border wide open with Mexico.

    Isn't that special?

    Also, corrupt RINO Governor Doucey (pronounced Douchey), same scumbag who helped lose BOTH Arizona senate seats and appointed RINO McStain MiniMe Martha McSwampy, has decreed masks and testing.

    He's on the board of directors of the testing company. No conflict there!

    WTF is wrong with Arizona Republican voters?


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