Monday, August 24, 2020

And Cancel My Subscription!


[Via bondmen]


  1. Disgraced ex sheriff Scott Israel did in fact try to return to his former position. However, the people of Broward county (fierce and determined liberals that they are)
    denied him the ability to run for the office of sheriff. Scott Israel lost the primary election held last week.

  2. When a disgruntled reader of "National Review" wrote a letter to the publisher (William F. Buckley Jr.) saying, "Dear Mr. Buckley, Please cancel my subscription, he responded, (and later used to response as the title of one of his books) "Cancel your own goddam subscription!"

    I've always like that one.

  3. "Too bad Buckey was a pig on 2A, as are many of his NRO ideological heirs"

    Agreed, but even the worst of our enemies come up with the occasional lesson we can/should take to heart.

    There couldn't be a more perfect example than this one:

    "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun" -- Mao Zedong


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