Friday, August 14, 2020

Threat Analysis

Joe Biden on Gun Control: Understanding Biden's 2020 Platform and the Second Amendment [More]

Our friends at have put together a useful analysis of what a Biden presidency will mean for gun owners. This has some stuff I haven't seen widely considered. Case in point under "Why Language Matters":

The official website for Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign defines gun violence as a “public health epidemic.” This might sound like boilerplate, but in fact it is language designed to lay the groundwork for moving firearms restrictions under the purview of the FDA. This alphabet organization has broad leeway to ban, tax and regulate anything deemed a danger to public health.

Give it a read. If you agree that this is valuable information, give it a share.

1 comment:

  1. How is it that Biden and many others dismiss the 2nd Amendment to the United States CONstitution ? When Biden says he will come after "your guns" he is saying, like many traitors before him, disregarding the United States CONstitution.

    Why offer an Amendment to the United States CONstitution when one or many citizen scoundrels can just ignore it ?


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