Friday, September 25, 2020

Give It Your All

Biden is favored to win the election [More]

I know, I know. Everybody said the same thing about Hillary.

The thing is, I see a lot of gun owners making comments about how Trump is going to win by a landslide, and they always do so offering only that opinion, with no substantiation from a credible authority. And again, I know there were a handful of handicappers who correctly picked Trump to win in 2016 and who are putting money on him again for the November race.

The point being, don't let any of these scenarios result in either demoralized resignation or over-confident complacency. 

There are an estimated 100 million gun owners in this country and about 138 million citizens voted last time. Knowing what is at stake in terms of threatened infringements, there is no excuse for a Biden win. I submit those cynical voices telling us it's all futile haven't tried all that hard at involving themselves in the system of self-government bequeathed to us by the Founders, and I expect most of those will be just as persevering come "Molon Labe!" time.

Don't be this guy, smug in the unproven self-assurance that everyone is playing a sucker's game but him.


  1. Here is what's coming - and how do aliens vote?


  2. Frankly, given the level of histrionics and the volume of the political "debate", I'm surprised that the level of voter participation in the USA is as low as it is.

    Such strongly held beliefs, then when it comes to the nitty gritty, crickets.

    I intend to vote, period.

    When I read or hear about polls showing Biden with clear leads, I realize that the goal of many of those polls is to discourage likely Trump voters. After all, if he's clearly going to lose, why bother?


    " 11.7% of Republicans say they would not report their true opinions about their preferred presidential candidate on telephone polls.
    In contrast, just 5.4% of Democrats say they’d be reluctant to share their true voting intentions — roughly half the number of Republicans reluctant to tell the truth on phone polls.
    10.5% of Independents fell into the “shy voter” category, just a percentage point lower than how Republicans react to phone polls.

    After asking about people expressing their true opinions on telephone calls, we then inquired about their preferred candidate. This ordering was important as we did not want to fall into the same trap as other pollsters who tend to lead with preference declarations. When we broke the responses down based on current Trump vs Biden supporters, we found the following:

    10.1% of Trump supporters said they were likely to be untruthful on phone surveys — double the number of Biden supporters (5.1%) reticent to share their true intentions."


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