Monday, September 14, 2020

So Much for Meaning What He Says

 Mike Bloomberg Wants To Buy Florida Election For Joe Biden for $100 Million [More]


[Via Michael G]


  1. SCOTUS ruled that money = speech. "Little Mike" can spend all of the money he wants to spend. But as American voters have proven repeatedly, money can help you get your message in front of voters, but it won't buy their votes. If they don't agree with you, your money won't persuade them to vote for you.

    Not yet anyway.

  2. Ken Windeler9/15/2020 9:47 AM

    Money doesn't seem to be the winning ticket, sure it helps to some extent.
    A few years back here in Florida there was a special election the Democrats piled in the $$$, and were promptly and soundly defeated.

    It looks like Kamala and Joe aren't welcome down in S. FL. Seems she was greeted by Trump supporters with signs reading "take your socialism and shove it"

    Obama gave Trump FL by a thin margin. The elder Cubans weren't too happy with Barack playing softball with Raul.


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