Saturday, September 26, 2020

Times-Dispatch Writer Gets It Exactly Backwards in Militia Article

 It’s not hard to imagine authorities triaged to those areas and efforts of greatest need. That means there will be no one to provide essential services, including policing, outside of those areas. How does it not make sense to have the good citizens of this country prepared and organized so that if and when the need arises, they have a structure and a chain of command they can coordinate with and receive direction from? How else would we maintain order in otherwise unserviced areas? [More]

Maybe instead of “Defund the Police,” the demand ought to be “Fund the Militia.”


  1. Regarding the various comments on the training of militia, professionals vs. non-professionals, etc.:

    “A call is made by a man requesting an ambulance to the DeVanna home. Police and first responders arrive and find Dianne unconscious. She is transported to South Shore Hospital and dies from a subdural hematoma, which is believed to be due to trauma to her head.”

    The “police and first responders” were one and the same. Unpaid Braintree Auxiliary Police Officers and Emergency Medical Technician/Ambulance trained Gary Miller and Walter Shaw were volunteering their time that evening along with other Auxiliary Police Officers patrolling the town during what was called a "town takeover" while the Braintree Police Department conducted a Department-wide training. At the time, BPD provided EMS for Braintree. Each BAPD officer was either EMT/A or First Responder trained. When not volunteering with BAPD, Miller and Shaw were employed as armed security at Braintree’s South Shore Plaza, one of the filming locations for the movie “Paul Blart: Mall Cop”.

    A photograph of Diane DeVanna and details of her death in a sidebar story:

    From the Massachusetts Civil Defense Act of 1950 that authorizes auxiliary police officers and auxiliary firefighters:

    “Persons appointed to an auxiliary police force in a city or town shall exercise or perform such of the powers or duties of police officers as may be prescribed by the appointing authority including but not limited to replacing and performing the duties of regular personnel who may be actually engaged in the direct ...”

    Braintree also had Reserve Police Officers who received pay for details such as traffic control.


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