Friday, October 09, 2020

From the 'I Wouldn't Care Except to Make a Point' Department

 Rapper Tory Lanez charged with shooting Megan Thee Stallion [More]

That's OK-- she was insured.

I don't suppose we could draw any wider conclusions about why some communities have more difficult times than others from the values we see emulated and rewarded here...? Or is asking that racist?

[Via bondmen]


  1. I just want to say that I'm proud that I have no idea who these people are, even after reading the article.

  2. "...assault with a semiautomatic firearm"

    David, help me out here as I am confused. Was this a person who used a semiautomatic firearm to assault his girlfriend? Or was this a semiautomatic firearm that assaulted his girlfriend? I have to ask because the reds have been telling us for years we have "assault rifles" so I assume it is the latter. But, if it is the latter, why the charges against this upstanding young man? Hence my confusion.

    Also, does the fact the firearm was semiautomatic make it worse? Would it have been different if the assault was carried out with by revolver type firearm? Or perhaps by a derringer?


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