Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Screaming of the Lambs


But Gallup is measuring something different: not self-interest, but fear. [More]

It's not all that hard to spook a flock-- hence stronger demand for "commonsense gun safety laws" by ruminants oblivious to the wolves in sheeps' clothing that planted the idea...

[Via Mack H]

1 comment:

  1. The chart doesn't measure fear -- fear and political preference are just the effects of the underlying cause, which is gullibility.
    Respondents are split clearly between the gullible -- who believe the MSM, allow themselves to be panicked by COVID, think Republicans are Satan, and can be deluded that the result of Democrat policies could ever produce a safe and sane America -- and the skeptical, who have life experience, believe what their own eyes tell them, and can tell when they are being manipulated.


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