Wednesday, November 11, 2020

An Actual Commonsense Gun Safety Law

 Florida Governor Ron DeSantis 'to allow armed citizens to shoot suspected looters and rioters' who target businesses in an expansion of the state's Stand Your Ground law [More]

They say that like it's a bad thing...

[Via bondmen]

1 comment:

  1. Ken Windeler11/12/2020 8:24 AM

    David; This reminds me of an letter written in to one of the second tier gun magazines that were prevalent back in the pre internet world. Pistolero iirc, might have even been a regional mag down in S. FL.

    Reader writes in, a black man. I will paraphrase as this happened during the Liberty City riots: " My brothers, my a__! they burned my business down now I have nothing." And he commented about how insurance doesn't cover civil disorder or an act of war.

    If I had a business, I'd be inclined to let the looters "make my day"

    Ron DeSantis said during the Republican 2018 governor debate that he would not have signed the Red Flag or Parkland Shooting legislation that. Gov. Scott and AG Bondi felt so compelled to pass.

    When DeSantis ran for Congress I asked on his web site one question: "Do you support the Second Amendment?" He actually called me at home to assure me he did.


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