Thursday, November 19, 2020

An Elected DNC Member


That presupposes you win.

Something tells me he doesn't have what it takes. 

And remember: This is their "mainstream" talking.


  1. Reminds me of an old joke:

    Q: How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?

    A: Only one. But the light bulb has to want to change.

    I don't.

  2. Well, you can't do it on Facebook, it kicked us all out.
    Why not just go straight to Clockwork Orange. You know you want to.

  3. Apparently Bill Ayres and his associates of "Weather Underground" had given this puzzle a considerable amount of thought.

    Why bring up such an old topic? Because, while the media like to downplay the relationship between President Barak Obama and Bill Ayres, the relationship did in fact exist. To the point that Barak Obama's first political fund raising meeting was held in Bill Ayres living room.

    It remains to be seen just how much influence that old network between the old core of Weather Underground and the web of organizations still funded by George Soros will have in a Biden/Harris administration. But the largest financial bet ever placed in world history, Soros' short position on the US dollar, is still in effect.

    IOW, if the US economy crashes, George Soros makes an astronomical amount of money.

    Think about it.

  4. DDS-
    Bill Ayers is an old topic? I don't think so. His 'adopted' son is the newly elected chief law enforcement officer in the City of San Francisco. And I'm sure George Soros thinks Chesa Boudin would be a perfect fit as Attorney General of the United States under a future President Kamala Harris.


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