But as they found out, and I'm sure Antifa will teach BLM, if you're not willing to fight and perhaps kill to keep your stuff, you risk losing it all to someone who is willing to fight and perhaps kill to take it from you.
Mike once said the difference between a Socialist and a Communist was that a Communist had an AK47 and was willing to use it.
Here's a side note on Antifa for those who want a little light reading:
I'm pretty sure the Mensheviks weren't very happy with the way the Bolsheviks treated them either.
But as they found out, and I'm sure Antifa will teach BLM, if you're not willing to fight and perhaps kill to keep your stuff, you risk losing it all to someone who is willing to fight and perhaps kill to take it from you.
Mike once said the difference between a Socialist and a Communist was that a Communist had an AK47 and was willing to use it.
Here's a side note on Antifa for those who want a little light reading:
Take a moment to compare the 1930's logo of Germany's Antifa with that now used by the American group going by the same name.
Just a coincidence, right?