Wednesday, November 18, 2020

From Each According to His Ability

 New Zealand is pursuing a century-old idea to close the gender pay gap: not equal pay for equal work, but equal pay for work of equal value. [More]

That's because New Zealand is run by commies. So naturally, it gets full-throated praise from "the newsraper of record."

We can't have "I'll pay you X to do Y" and you saying "OK" or holding out for "Z" and me then either agreeing or not, can we?

As an aside, I don't suppose Marx statues are in danger of being torn down over his pronoun aggressions...?

[Via Steve T


  1. I think the second link was erroneously duplicated under More, given that the quote doesn't appear there.

  2. After reading the original article, it's clear to me that this is more socialist sleight of hand to change who decides what value some job has from the person actually paying for the job to some faceless government agency. Just more communist bulltwizzle.


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