Thursday, November 19, 2020

His Lawyer Approved This?

The Post interviewed Rittenhouse, who spoke publicly for the first time since his arrest. [More]

Why? Does anyone expect a fair shake from them? At least the interviewer wasn't Borat.

I guess the lawyer knows what he's doing, but this runs counter to my experience. 

If nothing else, the account of his attacker having been released from a psych ward just the day before further corroborates a truism nobody in a position to do anything about wants to admit.

1 comment:

  1. As usual, they poison the story by making a big deal about how Rittenhouse got "his" gun, while not bothering to mention that whether Rittenhouse owned or didn't own a gun is entirely irrelevant since the gun he used in Kenosha was someone else's.


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