Wednesday, December 09, 2020


 “Any person with a history of a significant allergic reaction to a vaccine, medicine or food (such as previous history of anaphylactoid reaction or those who have been advised to carry an adrenaline autoinjector) should not receive the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine. [More]

Well, I guess that leaves me out.

UPDATE: WarOnGuns Correspondent Laocoön  sent some expert testimony from Canada asserting "This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public."

Reminds me of a saying I occasionally repeat around here...

The public suspects, at least some of us do suspect -- the same ones, by and large, who don't much see why we should believe these same people on election results.


  1. I was warning people about that last month.

  2. "who don't much see why we should believe these same people on election results."

    Funny you should mention that.I've touched on that, too.

    Johns Hopkins ChinCOVID Reporting Looks…

    …remarkably like Gropin’ Joe’s election numbers.

  3. David,

    Thank you for this. When I heard about this earlier this morning I thought about you.

    I'm glad I waited to see your own post w/Bear's cogent update.

    I'm reminded of the X-Files: "Trust No One."

  4. Responding to this:

    "Reminds me of a saying I occasionally repeat around here..."

    "Thank John McCain, George Bush, the US Chamber of Commerce, and the neo-con "leaders" of the Stupid Party for handing the socialists a democrat majority on a silver platter."

    A special shout out should go to Sen. Lindsey Grahamnesty (R-SC) and the rest of the "Gang of 8"


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