Thursday, December 10, 2020

Can We All Get Along?

 Biden Administration Will Create Position to Reach Conservatives [More]

Secretary of Confiscations?


  1. “We’re not elected just to help Democrats or urban cities or minorities,” he said. “We were elected to help this entire country and that means reaching out to conservatives, that means reaching out to rural areas, reaching out to people who didn’t vote for us.”

    Strike 1. I'm not aware that POTUS was elected to help anyone. POTUS is elected to be the head of the executive branch of the US Government. Further, I'm not aware of any conservatives waiting for the government, (R) or (D), to help them. Mostly conservatives want the government to leave them alone. So what we're looking at is a fundamental difference in the opinions of the function of government that are held by liberals and conservatives.

    Liberals want to be able to wait for government help, and expect government to show up and deliver that help.

    Conservatives want the government to butt out.

    I'm pretty sure a cabinet level position is not going to be able to change that in our lifetimes.

    And that's before we get to the punch line of the old joke about the three most often told lies in the English language:

    "I'm from the Federal Government and I'm here to help you."

  2. Why would I accept any offers of anything from sworn communists? And that's what all demonrats are now, whether they admit it, know it, or not. Biden, the joke that keeps on giving.


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