Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Well, They Do Admit to Being Secret

 The U.S. Secret Service appears to be testing our FOIA resolve for reasons only its operatives can say.

The first bump was in its acknowledgment of receipt:

We weren't asking for information pertaining to me but to the Hunter Biden gun investigation -- our FOIA request is embedded at the above link and you can see for yourself. It is hard to conceive how this is a mistaken "misinterpretation" on their part and had we proceeded without challenging that, they could have just come back and said "We have no information on him" and we'd be absolutely nowhere. 

In other words, this is either grossly incompetent -- which ought to concern everyone considering what this agency is responsible for -- or it's a deliberate stalling tactic, meaning it has been directed.

Stephen corrected them and now they're screwing with us on a fee waiver, another stall, as I've got it in writing from the feds via various FOIA efforts of years past that they acknowledge I'm an "Authorized Journalist." 

Stephen sent them a response. Let's see what kind of creative stonewalling they come up with next.

Stay tuned.


  1. A Government responsible to no one...aside from an important Democrat politico...

  2. So here we have a governmental agency which appears to believe it is above the law, and challenges us to prove otherwise. And it is far from alone in that regard. How did this situation come to pass?

    We as a people let it happen.

    Quoting Cesar Milan, "The Dog Whisperer", "Whose fault did you think it was?"

    Speaking of dogs, I'm reminded of an old riddle:

    Q: Why do dogs lick themselves?
    A: Because they can.

    These agencies ignore the law because they can and for no other reason.

    They can because too many of us let them!

    David, thanks for being one of the few acting to make them stop.

  3. Please block your address out of these documents; no need to open yourselves up for harassment.

  4. Aside from the govt address and the PO Box that is on Stephen's public letterhead, I'm not seeing what you're referring to.

  5. Wait, Hunter has a gun?

    I thought he had a drug conviction...well, maybe it's somehow been expunged or whatever...


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