Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Daily Defense Redux

If you didn't listen to today's program live, and if you would like to at your convenience, here are two ways:

Mark's going to be working on getting that screen to take Skype video inputs so you can see the guests conversing instead of just our still pictures.

Talking a Good Game

2A Gaming: Spreading Gun Rights Message via Video Games [More]
I have to admit upfront the gaming phenomenon is something I have never grokked.  When I was in college a bar had Pong and I remember playing PacMan and Asteroids, and Snakes on an old Windows machine. The wife enjoys Solitaire in her spare time, and back when I had some, I enjoyed a miniature golf game. Oh, I also remember playing Duck Hunt for a few minutes at a relative's house.

By the time the X-Box/Play Station stuff with multi-function controllers came out, I was too wrapped up in demanding jobs to give them a moment's thought, and my limited free time was eaten up doing Dad things with the family and around the house and yard. Anything in excess of that and it was a cigar and a couple fingers of the good stuff on the porch for me to decompress.

Feral sons Uday and Qusay, on the other hand, grew up with it all and are quite adept, but I would watch them for a few minutes and decide it was all above, if not my pay grade, any incentive to spend the time to learn.

So with my near-total ignorance stipulated, let me venture an opinion:  My impression of gamers is they had better be given top-quality graphics, compelling character and scenarios, and top-notch competition, and anything less will be rejected and ruthlessly ridiculed. So if they're going to do it, do it right and spend the needed money to employ "top men."

Do it on the cheap or make the primary purpose to ham-handedly preach and you may as well not do it at all.

It's not a bad idea, but its success will all be in the execution. I hope you guys do it right. Good luck.

Every WHO Down in WHOville Liked COVID a Lot

Abolish the World Health Organization - The WHO has become another pointless organization pandering to the world’s worst actors [More] WHOville they say that the pandemic's spread grew three sizes that day!

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise...

UK Lockdown Chaos: ‘Youths’ Fire Bomb Food Delivery Vans, Launch Missiles at Police [More]
Young Nigel and Cedric need to settle the f*** down.

Anybody else catching on that the disarmed subjects ain't seen nothin' yet?

[Via  An Hour of Wolves]

Location, Location, Location

Coronavirus outbreak threatens to wipe out California’s $21-billion surplus [More]
Gee, that's too bad.

Maybe they'll have more "rebellions," which I suspect the good people living in "red" counties will get through a lot better than those who chose "progressive sanctuaries."

Daily Defense

I'll be joining host Mark Walters on Armed American Radio today at 4 Eastern to talk current gun events in the age of Coronavirus and more.  Go to the AAR website to find a station near you or to listen live from your device.

Alternatively, I understand you can listen and watch over at the AAR Facebook page, as well as give immediate feedback via comments.

Anybody See This Coming?

Could a ‘Draft Cuomo’ Movement Be in the Democrats’ Future? [More]
Y'know what? That would be about the most dangerous political development I can imagine.

Unless they can dig up some new dirt, the guy's Teflon.

Perhaps "Deadbeat Dad for President" might be useful?

Or Governor Cuck...?

You bet it's about the politics of personal destruction. What do you think these monsters want to do to you if you don't surrender to them?

We're the Only Ones Blocking Enough

Sheriff Baker Blocks All Permits in Wake County [More]
This is the same subversive incompetent who tried to close the range down.

Breaking news via email:
GRNC weighs legal action against Wake sheriff
If you're a NC gun owner, you don't expect the guys carrying the load to also fund everything themselves, do you?

It's Disarmageddon!!! Oppose HR 5717/S. 3254 - Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020 [More]
Plus it'll tip Guam over.

I see the odds of passage have dipped a percentage point since that post.

You'll forgive me if I take a "Be aware of this but let's focus limited resources on immediate threats" attitude.

Above the Law

Accused in Justice Dept.'s Upper Echelon, and Innocent Until Scot-Free [More]
Bryant explains.

[Via Michael G]

Selective Enforcement

Clemson University officials, concerned about the “optics” of ignoring a South Carolina law requiring public colleges to teach the U.S. Constitution, have lobbied the state Legislature to repeal the requirement. Clemson both refuses to comply with the existing law and opposes a bill in the South Carolina General Assembly to update it, according to emails between the university’s provost and two lobbyists for the school. [More]
So are we free to "refuse to comply" with weapon prohibitions, or would these same subversive scofflaws sic the enforcers on us to either bring us into compliance at gunpoint or kill us if we defy and resist orders to disarm?

I'm just wondering why some commie academics haven't been fired and frogmarched out of the administration building yet.

[Via Michael G]

Them's Fightin' Words!

But if they can’t learn the law without crying, and if their law school can’t teach the law without following up with puppy rooms and Play-Doh, then there is little chance they will have the fortitude to be lawyers who will suffer far worse trauma than the utterance of a word. [More]
Hey, if you can't teach First Amendment law without being censored to avoid offending delicate sensibilities, you have no business being at a "progressive" college.

[Via Michael G]

Win Stupid Prizes

Kid Who Licked Toilet for Social Media Challenge is Diagnosed with Chinese Coronavirus [More]
I don't suppose anyone is going to make the little sh!+head completely financially responsible for his treatments?


And Nancy wants him to vote because she knows anyone this stupid and twisted has to be a Democrat.

Get WarOnGuns Delivered Daily to Your Door

Haven't done this in
over 50 years...

WarOnGuns Corespondent Tristan M prods me that I need to periodically remind readers that you can subscribe to this blog and get the content delivered daily (except for days I don't post) directly to your email inbox.  Just put your edress in that "Follow by Email" form in the left sidebar.

The "Contact Form" widget directly under that is also a quick and convenient way to send me a newslink tip, tell me where I screwed up, let me know you find me irresistibly gorgeous, or just wish death by gunfire on me or my children.

The only caveat-- I posted the widgets using stock Blogger tools, but control nothing else about them. I get the notices as a matter of course and note you can always unsubscribe. If you're afraid Google may be mining and feeding your personal data to shadowy forces isolating those slated for the camps, you probably shouldn't be on the internet anyway.

The rest of you -- feel free to sign up, although maybe I shouldn't encourage that because my guess is my stats will then go down. That's just in case I ever figure out how to make a nickel off this blog so I can start buyin' me some suits and interns...

Those Who Can't

How ‘Progressive’ Leadership Wrecked a University [More]
It's funny when the willfully deluded and entitled learn there's a price to pay. One can only hope for a ruthless day of reckoning with tenured parasites finding out the world doesn't owe them a living.

In the meantime, be the example for your children so that when they do go to school, they will have been instilled with proper moral values and an ability to rationally think, and to select a fulfilling curriculum with realistic economic potential.Some will still make their share of poor choices and boneheaded mistakes like many of us did, but a strong grounding in reality can reduce the distance it is wandered away from.

[Via Michael G]

'Who Will Help Me Plant the Wheat?' Asked the Little Red Hen

Yesterday OFF filed our “Reply Memo” to the Attorney General’s response to our challenge to the ballot title for IP 60. [More]
Are you an Oregon gun owner?

Are you helping?

Not Bad for a Former Eastern Bloc Country

COVID-19 Causes Gun Buying-Panic In Hungary [More]
To paraphrase Ian Malcolm, freedom, uh, finds a way.

[Via bondmen]

Get Back on That Plantation!

Far Left Salon Mocks Disabled Black Woman With Gun In New NRA Ad [More]
But we're the racists.

And I'd reply to Shannon and ask her what kind of cover she provided her corporate masters for the black groundskeeper who a jury concluded they'd given cancer to, but suppressing her role takes priority over having that "national conversation on guns" the grabbers keep saying we're avoiding:

And if you want to argue about glyphosate, that's not the point. The left says they believe it-- I'm merely pointing out how they give selective passes to those pushing another part of their agenda, proving they are insincere opportunists who scream bloody murder when they can smear an enemy but sweep everything under the rug when one of their own gets caught.

[Via bondmen]

Centers for Decrees Control Redux

Instead of Prepping for Pandemic, CDC Focused on Gun Control and Promoting Social Justice [More]
As I said earlier, I think the problem is not enough trough-feeding scoundrels are publicly caned.

[Via bondmen]

When Black Friday Comes I'm Gonna Stake My Claim

‘It’s busier than Black Friday:’ Gun sales boom in San Diego amid fears over coronavirus [More]
It looks like some are defying the classification.

Bring in the catapults!

[Via bondmen]

He Did It! He Missed the Barn!

Sisolak said the order does not apply to ... the homeless... [More]
Of course not. What kind of "government solution" would it be if the focus was on unhealthy populations living in unsanitary conditions where disease is most likely to spread?

Between that and ordering a ban on testing to see if some avenues showing potential might work, it's nice to know that executive order will always trump scientific inquiry.

[Via Michael G]

The Siege

Mayor Garcetti announces water and power will be shut off for nonessential L.A. businesses that don’t close [More]
Starve 'em out! And if that doesn't work, they could always catapult some Wuflu-infected dead in.

Funny, the origins of both "pandemics"...

What a punk career trough-feeder Garcetti is, a real did-it-on-his own achiever, that one. His old man was a statist piece of crap, too.

[Via Florida Guy]   

The Eyes of Texas are Upon You and You Cannot Get Away

State Representative Requests Opinion from Texas Attorney General on Exclusion of Gun Manufacturers & Retailers as "Essential Businesses" in Local Emergency Orders [More]
I guess we'll find out if that cannon is salvageable.

[Via Jess]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Nonessential' Is

The border was, by the agreement of the U.S. and Mexico, closed to "nonessential travel" shortly after midnight on March 21. But how tight is it? That might depend on where you are and how you define "nonessential". [More]
So health isn't really the primary factor in the determination?

A Proven Formula

Eco-warrior Greta Thunberg has revealed she believes she has contracted the coronavirus. [More]
But she doesn't know for sure, so that justifies an assumed conclusion, a "stark warning" and worldwide hysterical media coverage.

Anyone seeing a pattern here?

Thank You, Captains Obvious

Conservative Action Project, eh? A question attributed to Stalin comes to mind.

I don't mean to be a smart@$$, but when I see coalition members like Legal Immigrants for America, I have to wonder how many of the signatories share in culpability for bringing this down upon our heads in the quest for "cheap labor."

[Via Felix B]

UPDATE: WarOnGuns Correspondent Henry says I owe LIFA an apology. I'm not afraid to admit when I'm wrong and confess I did a kneejerk based on "What's in a name?" So I am heartily sorry but my wonderment still stands. If they're all pals, I guess I need to humble myself to all.

We're the Only Ones Essential Enough

“We will be closing them, they are not an essential function,” Villanueva said. “I’m a supporter of the 2nd amendment, I’m a gun owner myself, but now you have the mixture of people that are not formerly gun owners and you have a lot more people at home and anytime you introduce a firearm in a home, from what I understand from CDC studies, it increases fourfold the chance that someone is gonna get shot.” [More]
What a lying sack of steaming crap. And only his highly-trained Sardaukar can handle the awesome risks.

People may just find out how essential he really is if the town goes up in flames again and his guys can't do a thing about it -- still.

[Via Roger J]

UPDATE: Not so fast there, Villainueva...

You Do the Hokey-Pokey, That's What It's All About

 Naturally, a gaggle of indignant "progressives" is quick to pile on about how Republicans hate "democracy."

Just Imagine

Hollywood Is Facing an Existential Crisis - The industry is confronting a grim future: What if theaters stay dark all year? What if people are too afraid to go back when cinemas reopen? [More]
Has their luck run out?

I see Hollywood's rich, woke useful idiots think atheistic communism is the answer (that's what that evil song is about, you know). As long as they get to keep what's theirs.

Nick Searcy has a better idea:

My favorite Firesign Theater line comes to mind.

[Via Carlos Perdue]