Friday, April 10, 2020

Gun-Grabber Desperation Showing as More Americans Buy Firearms

What we’re seeing here from the Big Three gun-grab groups are signs of worry. In spite of all the years and the dollars they’ve spent spreading lies to swindle their countrymen out of their birthrights, when things start to get up close and personal, people wake up and realize they want guns. And they’re finding out those guns are not as easy to obtain as books and vegetables, that you can't just “buy a gun online,” and that the fast-talkers who made such absurd claims have been lying. [More]
What? The "commonsense gun safety" groups have been LYING to us...? And now that more Americans are catching on, they have no idea what to do besides double down...?

Bloomberg Buys Court Victory for School Shooters

Parents sued the district in 2018 to try to stop its new policy from taking effect. It is one that was created in the wake of a 2016 school shooting. [More]
Just to be clear--  Erin Gabbard, Aimee Robson, Dallas Robson, Benjamin Tobey and Benjamin Adams sued to make sure what didn't work would remain...?

Just the Essentials

U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams said Friday that most places in the United States would not be able to open up by May 1 amid the novel coronavirus outbreak. [More]
But hairdressers for our rulers are still OK, right...?

[Via Mack H]

A Day That Will Live in Infamy

Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw called Friday “a monumental day”... [More]
And guess who they couldn't have done it without...

Perhaps one day, before it's all gone, our "lobbying leaders" will acknowledge the single greatest threat, or at least take my challenge, but my guess is if they thought they could they would have already done so.

[Via Mack H]

Project Management Position

James Carville Claims Republicans ‘Will Kill People to Stay in Power, Literally’ [More]
So says Mr. Arkancide Apologist.

[Via Michael G]

Fake News

Liberty's Falwell threatens to sue New York Times for 'fake' COVID on campus report [More]
What, the newsraper of record would lie...?

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Persecuting Enough

WATCH: Police Slap Christians With $500 Fines for Attending Drive-In Worship Service [More]
What's telling is that not one of them refused.

[Via Michael G]

Survey SAYS!

Democratic students blame Trump more than Chinese government for global spread of coronavirus: poll [More]
What's a good word for the type of "ocracy" based on confirmation bias?

[Via Michael G]

So Much for Victory Gardens

Democratic Governor, Gretchen Whitmer decided that being able to grow food in your garden is not critical infrastructure and ordered stores to close down their garden centers and greenhouses. [More]
Hey, you don't want industrious Republicans to enjoy "privileges" her core constituencies don't work for...

I wonder if she needs her hair done...

[Via Michael G]

UPDATE: So naturally, she's being touted as the next up-and-comer!

Not Everything's About Prejudice

The Coronavirus is Not Killing Minorities Because of Racism [More]
It took me a minute to understand that title because it seems to imply they're getting a pass because of hate. Of course, they're not, but the reason has nothing to do with bigotry, as the article explains.

In any case, at this writing, the link to the article from the Free Republic post results in this:

And, again at this writing, writer Daniel Greenfield's page does not list it:

I have no idea why it was apparently posted and then pulled. I will say I find it disturbing that Freepers post complete articles rather than just teasers with a link. I wonder what kind of traffic that loses the author and FrontPage? It's tough enough earning a living without people who supposedly agree with you removing incentives for websites to pay you.

[Via bondmen]

Desperate for Something to Change the Subject

Alyssa Milano: We have to keep each other safe by social distancing and washing our hands and not bringing dangerous firearms into our homes. [More]
As I replied to pal Mark Walters, she's deflecting attention...

Realistically, what do we expect? After all, a child could do her job. And we know what brings her"great joys":

[Via bondmen]

A Plan Comes Together

The Project For A New American Century & The Age Of Bioweapons: 20 Years Of Psychological Terror [More]
No one is expecting hearings anytime soon, I trust...?

[Via bondmen]

The Lockdown Scofflaw Loophole

Coronavirus pandemic creates a new criminal class in America - You simply won't believe who police are arresting amid this national 'lockdown' [More]
And we let these people have guns...???

[Via bondmen]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Term 'Gun Safety' Is

A gun-safety group aligned with former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is spending $1.5 million on a new virtual organizing program that aims to register 100,000 young voters. [More]
If by "gun safety" they mean ignorance, avoidance, and bans...

I gotta tell ya, I hear stuff like "Students Demand" and my first instinct is to take a step forward and ask "Or what?"

[Via bondmen]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Draconian' Is

AG Barr says ‘draconian’ coronavirus restrictions should be re-evaluated [More]
I'll say.

Because people whose lives and livelihoods are being destroyed see elitist politicians getting their damn hair done and are then subjected to self-entitled bullshit justifications like "I'm out in the public eye [and] I'm a person who takes their personal hygiene very seriously," and a Mencken quote expanded by an order of magnitude comes to mind.

You want to see draconian, tell people you will give them no choice but to lose it all while stuffing your face in front of them.

[Via Mack H]

And They Said It Couldn't Be Done

Immigrants Self-Deporting from U.S. to Avoid Possible Coronavirus Infection [More]
Plus they're keeping their families together this way!

It's In Their Nature

Nature magazine apologises for reports linking Covid-19 with China - Scientific journal admits it ‘was an error on our part’ to erroneously link the pathogen with Wuhan and China [More]
What can I say, but "Nature"?

Besides, it's a time-honored tradition.