Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Biden Endorsement Shows ‘Former Republican Lawmakers’ Flaking Out on Gun Owners


So “right choice” Flake is going to give Biden the choice on Supreme Court nominees now? [More]

It’s too bad the gun owners he swindled for campaign contributions don’t have recourse.

Lock N Load

 I'll be joining host Bill Frady today at 4 Eastern to talk about some of my recent articles and whatever else he wants to bring up. Click on his photo (it will be on Channel 2), which will be up at the appointed hour. [Listen]

The Land of Opportunity

The sheriff’s office identified the suspects as Jose Gandarilla, Susana Luna, Crystal Araujo, Sara Loretz and Crystle Parstch-Lucchesi. They’ve been arrested on numerous charges, including looting, grand theft, conspiracy to commit a crime and burglary. “These five decided to victimize several of our community members who are already hurting.” [More]

There's something to be said for public canings...

[Via Michael G]

A Quote Attributed to Yamamoto Comes to Mind

The hunters in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and West Virginia alone would comprise the largest army in the world. [More]

If nothing else, the statistic that "The state of Wisconsin has gone an entire deer hunting season without someone getting killed. That’s great. There were over 600,000 hunters" proves to anyone capable of rational thought that it's not the gun.

[Via Matthew L]

Worth a Thousand Words


Police Arrest Man For Pulling Gun On Pro-Life Activists Outside Planned Parenthood [More]

All you need to do is look at this loser's photo to realize that sometimes, yes, you can judge a book by its cover.

[Via Dave Licht]

I Can't Wait for These People to Take Over

 Last night, Alpha journalist Rebecca Brannon was covering a Black Lives Matter protest in downtown Minneapolis when she was accosted and assaulted by a vicious group of BLM zealots. [More]

Sure are brave in groups. Not a one of them looks like they've ever had their ass kicked properly. 

Those "women" are bipolar messes, aren't they?  The silver lining is none of them has the capacity to ever be happy, so there's that to take comfort in.

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of Stereotypes...

Congressman Casten on guns: Gun owners have “small genitals” [More]

You guys gonna take that from this loudmouthed little white punk?

[Via bondmen]


The argument escalated and Abdul-Jabbar is accused of stabbing the man multiple times with a large hunting knife, including in the back of the head, causing a fractured skull and a brain bleed, the DA’s Office said. [More]

Maybe that explains Gunkapo Lew's affinity disarming other people.

Hey kid, courtroom tip: Pretend to struggle to get the gloves on. Works every time.

[Via bondmen]

Speaking of Intricacies...

 As always, the video currently circulating does not capture all the intricacies of a highly dynamic incident.  [More]

I guess the question I have is "Would I have been able to shoot him like that?" and use a prior scuffle as justification? If the answer is that I would be in jail arraigned on murder charges, then Houston, we have a problem.

[Via bondmen]

Young Blood


Kansas City, Kansas, neighborhood woke up Tuesday to a ‘gun battle’ that killed teen [More]

I say we ask the killers why!


[Via bondmen]

Speaking of Shockers

 Axios: ‘Growing Foreign-Born Populations Expected to Help Democrats’ [More]

We haven't heard from Gomer in a while...

Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue"...

[Via Andy M]

The Riddle of Steele

Former chairman of the Republican National Committee Michael Steele is joining the Lincoln Project, a group of Republicans working to prevent President Donald Trump's re-election. [More]

There's a shocker.

Because The Wayback Machine can be so slow in loading, I'm just gonna copy and paste that old article here. Note I'm not going to try to update internal links or futz with the formatting because I have new stuff to work on and just don't have the time:

The riddle of Steele

February 1, 10:45 AM
by David Codrea, Gun Rights Examiner

(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

The GOP has spoken.

Michael Steele is the new party chairman.

What does this mean for gun owners?

Q: Should people have access to buy assault weapons?

A: Society should draw lines. What do you need an assault weapon for, if you're going hunting? That's overkill. But I don't think that means you go to a total ban for those who want to use gun for skeet shooting or hunting or things like that But what's the point of passing gun laws if we're not going to enforce them? If you want to talk about gun control, that's where you need to start. We've got 300 gun laws on the books right now. At the end of the day, it's about how we enforce the law.

It means once more the Republicans have abandoned their core constituency to chase after the false promise of moderation as the path to relevance. Say, how did that work out for John McCain and the rest of the party last November?

It won't work, of course. Even now, Democrat sympathizers are attacking Steele as a "dirty trickster." And "progressives" dismiss his appointment as cynical racial exploitation.

This is a familiar mantra. The point is, ceding to the left doesn't win you any friends among them--they just step up the attacks. And the Republicans seem bound and determined to drive away the friends it has always been able to count on in the hopes of appealing to a broader base.

Why would I support a broader base that wants to ban semi-autos? Why would I support a broader base that wants to enforce unconstitutional citizen disarmament edicts instead of repealing them?  Why would you?

Some of us could see this coming. Some of us wonder why so few voices in the gun rights community raised warning flags on Steele at the outset.

Some of us wonder why so few voices in the gun rights community urged gun owners to make their voices heard.

Some of us wonder why so few voices in the gun rights community pressed the candidates for an unequivocal statement of where they stand on the Second Amendment.

Some of us wonder why so few voices in the gun rights community demanded a direct answer on something so basic and essential.

Some of us wonder why so few voices in the gun rights community did not respond with outrage when the debate moderators lobbed a softball instead, to give the illusion of gun owner support without requiring the candidates to actually reveal their position on gun rights. That was the republican party disrespecting us, in case you were wondering.

Some of us wonder why, even now, so few voices in the gun rights community are decrying Steele's selection as yet another betrayal. Perhaps former Republican National Committee Chair, the late Lee Atwater, was right in the question attributed to him about taking gun owners for granted: Who else are they going to vote for?

Of course, some of us wonder why all those Republican senators voted to pass Eric Holder's nomination on to the Senate floor, why so many Republican senators enthusiastically support Holder, and why no Republican senators have even attempted to block the confirmation.

What some of us don't wonder, based on all of the above--is why gun owners are continually manipulated by the Republicans. It actually seems pretty obvious.

The riddle of Steele is no riddle at all.

[Via Steve T

Unnatural Acts

Sen. Chris Murphy Calls Democracy ‘Unnatural,’ Suggests it Will Probably End: ‘Illogical to Think it Might be Permanent’ [More]

It is unnatural, but I don't think that's where he's going with this. 

Besides, the will of the people can be so inconvenient to an agenda

Until it's not.

[Via Steve T

Here's a Challenge


Encouraging heteronormative patriarchal rape culture...or something...

Ask Hannah Pinski to tell a joke that's funny. [More]

The things some people invent so they have something to complain about...

[Via Michael G]

Old Habits are Hard to Break


WARNING: More Gun Sales Don’t Mean a Bigger Gun Vote [More]

"Progressives" are reality-denying hypocrites? Who knew?


 Top Democrats make Trump's case for him on "immigration." [Watch]

I just discovered Brandon Tatum from this. From what I can see, the guy is great and just the voice this country needs to hear right now.

[Via Don J]

We're the Fauxnly Ones Fooling Enough

California retirement community security guard, 34, is arrested after 'faking being a federal agent for years, accompanying real officers on raids, parading in body armor and carrying firearms' [More]

So it really is as easy as they make it look on television? Flash a badge and welcome to the crime scene? No protocol to verify?

As always, be aware of the WarOnGuns Fauxnly Ones Archive, just in case your legal defense is that you weren't sure the scary person you resisted was really an "Only One" because fakes happen all the time, and based on results, some are good enough to fool the cops.

[Via Steve T

A Prohibited Person


Student convicted of felony wiretapping after recording professor [More]

Felony, eh?

I guess that heinous act proves he can't be trusted without a custodian, right?  And we can thank Chuck Schumer for this bit of "commonsense gun safety."

Remember that the next time some idiot on "our side" says "Enforce existing gun laws."

[Via Michael G]

Concession Stand

Al Gore: If Trump Refuses to Concede, the Military Would Run Him Out [More]


Hillary Clinton sets the stage for chaos: 'Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances'

The cognitive dissonance: It burns!

Even Trump was not that adamant. Matter of fact, with the way things are going, this seems pretty reasonable and responsible:

“I have to see. No, I’m not going to just say yes. I’m not going to say no, and I didn’t last time either.”


They've been setting the stage for conflict: Cheat with mail-in-votes, make up and disseminate conspiracy theories about directed mail-in suppression,  and then try to justify an armed coup if the results are questioned.

And So It Begins


The young white man...carries an assault-style rifle...
And am I reading reports right?
The alleged gunman is finally seen heading north towards several police tactical vehicles, with his arms raised as the tactical vehicles drive by him ... police said they were looking for one individual with a “long gun”
How does that happen? And shall we ask Sheriff "Only One"?
“I’ve had people saying: ‘Why don’t you deputise citizens? This is why you don’t deputise citizens with guns to protect Kenosha.”
That's because the incentives are for you and yours to deliberately ignore the core purpose of the Second Amendment that would ensure the Militia is well regulated.

And speaking of being trained and proficient, if someone who was wanted to, he'd have engaged from several hundred yards away and vanished into the night.

Looks like it's no longer rocks, bottles, bats and pepper spray...