Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Chi-Town SitRep

The "situational information report" from FBI officials in Chicago dated August 26, 2020, states "members of these gang factions have been actively searching for, and filming, police officers in performance of their official duties. The purpose of which is to catch on film an officer drawing his/her weapon on any subject and the subsequent 'shoot on-sight' of said officer, in order to garner national media attention." [More]
So, Trump's fault again...?

[Via Mack H]

Follow the Money

 Federal investigators probe people who pay for rioters [More]

Start pulling those strings...

Let's hope it's not the end of RICO but the beginning...

A Banner Year

 Chicago Tops 500 Homicides in 2020, Surpassing Last Year’s Total [More]

And to think I'd have settled for weekend stats.

Know what'll fix this?

Democrats sure don't.

Let My People Go

 Parting Shot: The U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Give Us Our Freedom [More]

I'm assuming ILA and Cooke understand how this works...

A BS Ruling

 You can get a sense of the level of judicial seriousness on display here by noting that Judge Richard J. Leon actually used the word “Poppycock” with an exclamation point in the text of his ruling.  [More]

I guess it wasn't Poppy's c*ck he was beholden to -- it was GW's (Guest Worker's).

[Via Michael G]

Escape from New York

 Liberal Elite Flee New York – After Helping Destroying It [More]

Don't think of it as leaving their fouled nests to ruin ours. Think of it as sharing the benefits of their "progressive" wisdom with the rest of us!

You deplorable rubes...

[Via Andy M]

Oh, the Humanity!

 “It’s them,” mouthed his boyfriend, Luis Valladares-Cruz. [More]

The nerve of ICE, enforcing immigration law against serial violaters! I like how the assumption is that if he's sent back he'll be discriminated against. I thought OURS was the country of haters.

And there are "more than 100,000 foreign-born residents" In Prince William County alone?

Shhh... don't tell the "gun rights groups"!  They might have to recognize something.

[Via Mack H]

Hard Times Token Redux

California state Senate moves to consider reparations for slavery [More]

How about "No"?

And it's not just California. The Democrats are starting the momentum to impose this nationally:

They also agree with the Associated Press on racist capitalization recognition:

So why is Biden keeping a low profile? Maybe he doesn't want people looking too closely at Snopes running disingenuous cover for Kamala on slave-owning ancestors despite actual evidence?

Maybe if other voices care to join in, he'll have no choice but to publicly come out.  After all, aren't we constantly being reminded that "silence is violence"?

[Via Michael G]

Heart of Darkness

 It is now undeniable that Oregon’s ruling party is not “tolerating” or “allowing” the murderous violence rocking our state, it is actively encouraging it. [More]

Hence the top-approved narrative to parrot.

This Has to be an Anomaly

Four Young Leftists Sentenced in Court After Hurling Chlorine Bomb at Police Officer, Nearly Killing Him and Detonating 7 Other Bombs [More]

Repeat after me:

Right-wing extremists are the greatest danger.

Right-wing extremists are the greatest danger.


What? Who you gonna believe, "the experts" or your own lying eyes?

[Via Michael G]

Let's Hope the Last Time Will Be to Hear the Settlement Awarded to Them

McCloskeys appear in court for first time [More]

To get a plaque? The thanks of their community? What?

[Via bondmen]

A Plan Comes Together

 The Attempt To Overthrow America [More]

Gee, I wonder what opportunities there'll be for a guy like me if they succeed...

[Via bondmen]

The Blame Game

...Wheeler Blames President For Violence [More]

As noted,  it's a parroting point we can expect to see lots more of.

[Via bondmen]

Smack One Get One Free?


Virginia's Senate Votes In Favor Of Reduced Penalties For Assaulting Police [More]

So will that also apply to Capitol Police and Northam's security detail?

[Via bondmen]

Going Nuclear, Are We?

 Professors Planning Strike to Protest ‘Police Violence’ [More]

Oh no!  Anything but that!

I wonder if a tuition-paying student/parent could sue for reimbursement.

[Via Michael G]

Rumors of War

 Prof Writes Book Wondering What Happens if Trump Refuses to Give up Power After Losing [More]

One thing about Opposite Day "progressives"-- they sure are Opposite Day original.

[Via Michael G]

The Mask Comes Off

The book will also be a handy reference for recalling the true, malign nature of Obama’s presidency. It is not likely that leftist historians will delve into depth in “Fast and Furious,” “Solyndra,” or “Spygate.” [More]

I guess that depends on who the victors are because the record is still there to be preserved.

I still need to get a copy.

[Via Michael G]

Choosing Up Sides

 At Least They Admit It? Black Lives Matter Marches Through DC Chanting ‘Who Do We Protect? Black Criminals!’ (VIDEO) [More]

Plus we now know “a black person’s life matters more than a white person’s right now”!

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Well-Endowed Enough

There’s a reason it’s hard to discipline police. It starts with a bill of rights 47 years ago. [More]

Well, there's your problem right there.

Figures those who believe rights can be granted by men can so often infringe on rights endowed by our Creator.

[Via Mack H]

Witnesses for the Prosecution

 4Chan Users Appear to Have Identified Portland Rioter Who Shot and Killed Trump Supporter [More]

It will be instructive to see commie fury when he is convicted and Rittenhouse is acquitted.

Witnesses for the Defense -- Whether They Mean to Be or Not

Man Shot in the Arm by Kyle Rittenhouse Says His Only Regret Was “Not Killing the Kid” [More]

Thanks, stupid. That'll be helpful.

As with last time, the number of tips vs. the number of me requires aggregating them in one post, so here's what else has been sent in of late:

If you have more, please add links in "Comments," below.

Nothing to See Here

Associated Press issues erroneous 'fact check' saying there is 'no evidence' of Antifa, BLM violence [More]
Hey, if we can't believe the DSM, who can we believe?

Murphy's Law

NJ Governor Uses COVID Crisis to Propose Gun Control Taxes [More]

We're the Only Ones Not Exhaustive Enough

The LEO List is neither complete nor exhaustive. It will be updated from time to time. [More]

I can't tell that it has been updated since 2004, but the thought strikes that some local advocates could figure out if their towns are still on the list, and between that and the Bloomberg mayor's list demand that they not be.

Plenty of these towns have traditional, revenue-generating community events meant to draw in outside patrons, art fairs, farmer's markets, and the like. Where not prohibited by tyranny, it would seem the prospect of open carrier attendance might persuade some city councils to see the advantages of quietly having their communities' names removed from the grabber lists...  

Commiesense Gun Laws

 Portland shooter’s previous gun charges dropped by a Giffords/Everytown ally [More]

But...but...but that would mean citizen disarmament is about political power, and not about "gun safety" at all...

The Systemic Results of Watts Privilege

 In June, Mom-At-Arms compiled all of the negative Everytown Employee reviews of the company. ”Rampant racism“, “discrimination against people of color”, “little to no transparency”, etc etc etc. Well, days ago, another employee left a review on Glassdoor... [More]

At the risk of agreeing with a disgruntled employee who nonetheless is still a gun-grabber, yep, don't ignore the reviews.

Being in a ‘Safe’ District Brings Out Gun-Grabber Casten’s True Lack of Character

“If you are a constitutionalist, unless you’re a member of well-regulated militia, tell me why you need to own a gun, right? Having small genitals is not a sufficient reason to own a gun.” [More]

Maybe personal experience with the types of "males" that have anything to do with them explains why Casten and his Moms Demand backers are so bitter against traditional men.