Friday, September 04, 2020

Above the Law?

 “It’s deeply troubling that on the verge of Virginia passing long-overdue police reform, the first Black woman to serve as our Senate Pro Tempore is suddenly facing highly unusual charges,” Northam said on Twitter. [More]

It would be more troubling if her position allowed her to commit criminal acts and be exempt from accountability.

[Via Mack H]

Take This Job and Shove It

 Minority-Owned Security Company Hired To Watch Seattle Park Quits On First Night After Being Harassed By Antifa [More]

This follows on the heels of the police chief quitting.

Do you think your average Antifa streetard "thinks" the existence of police protects us from them?

[Via Michael G]

Influencer and Influenced

 Bloomberg spending $60 million to turn NC ‘blue’ [More]

But that's not the only danger, is it?

So which gun groups factor this in to a politician's grade and endorsement ?

Guess Who the Bourgeoisie Are

 Does Insurance Cover Rioting and Looting Damage? Either Way, It's Disastrous [More]

So they pay all those taxes and the city has no duty to protect them and no liability for enabling the destroyers...? Who knew?

They not only can't stop 'em, they can't catch 'em afterward.

And defending your life and property can be even more expensive, presuming you get caught.

Are you sleeping?

[Via Mack H]

EMail Attack

 I got notified by my identity protection service that my email account password has been compromised. I've changed it, but who knows what damage may have been done?

It has me wondering if this is just routjne scammers or if it's specifically directed for another reason.

For the time being, treat emails purporting to be from "me" with caution, particularly if you get them out of the blue as opposed to as a reply to your email to me..

We're the Only Ones Partisan Enough

 More than 175 current, former law enforcement officials endorse Biden, call Trump 'lawless' [More]

Career oath-breakers prefer Democrats? So do I turn this one over to Gomer or the ETrade baby?

[Via Jess]

As Long as They're Commies, Who Cares What They Did?

 The Minnesota Freedom Fund has said it does not consider individuals' charges before bailing them out. [More]

Matter of fact, considering future plans once power has been secured, the more ruthless the better...

[Via Michael G]

Pardon My Cynicism

 The Justice Dept. is pressing its antitrust case against Google ... in coming weeks, as Attorney General William Barr is prevailing over career lawyers at the DOJ who hoped to have more time to build the case... [More]

Is it wrong to wonder if he's hurrying things along because embedded subversives are dragging their feet or because he wants to go into this unprepared for hidden reasons?

Sorry-- I have a hard time trusting someone who doesn't trust me.

[Via Michael G]

Today's Low-Hanging Fruit Report

 Missouri men arrested on federal firearms charges for allegedly traveling to Kenosha to ‘pick people off’ [More]

The keepers of manipulated statistics thank you.

[Via bondmen]

Audience Appeal

 Evidence Shows the Media Doesn’t Really Care About Evidence [More]

That's because a critical mass of Americans is guilty of citizenship malpractice.

[Via bondmen]

Like Peas and Carrots

 Jacob Blake Sr. Has Long History of Racist, Antisemitic, Anti-Christian Posts; Set to Meet Joe Biden [More]

Well, they ought to hit it off just fine...

[Via bondmen]

Something Must Be Done!

 3 shot at Santa Ana high-rise apartment complex, shooter still on the loose [More]


[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Qualifying Enough

 Next Oakland top cop must meet a lot of criteria [More]

Anti-gun, not a Constitutionalist, willing to take a knee, kisses up to commies, follows orders...

[Via bondmen]

Forbidden Knowledge

Defense Distributed and the Second Amendment Foundation have moved for an interim injunction pending appeal by New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal in the continuing challenge of Grewal’s censorship relating to the publication of information about 3D gun production. [More]

I dunno-- I've always dreamed of a country where someone steeped in another culture could tell me what he would allow me to say.

Divvying Up the Spoils

 If James succeeds, the court will direct her to find other groups who could take control of the NRA’s infrastructure, which could restart a national gun rights advocacy group. [More]

That presupposes she wins it all and no members intervene...

Putting things, as suggested, in the hands of (former Congressional Democrat aideChris Cox is a non-starter for the hardcore, which explains why some who have other skin in the game are trying to steer things that way...

[Via DDS]

There's a Storm Coming

 The riots after election day, with cover from the media, will lead to insurrection and all of us will be on the front line in one way or another. [More]

Don't be that guy on the roof.

Gunkapos Take Note

Gun-toting French law-student, 23, receives death threats after becoming a poster girl for online channel dubbed 'the hunting Netflix' and posing with pictures of her kills [More]
The day will come when these useful idiots are no longer needed.

If 'Silence is Violence'...

 Portland Assassin Claiming It Was "Self-Defense" That Caused Him to Run Up to a Stranger and Murder Him - Vice Website Promoting This Justification of Reprisal-Killings; Social Media Is Allowing [More]

That goes hand-in-hand (fist-in-fist?) with another key tenet of the movement...

[Via Michael G]

UPDATE -- Looks like we have ourselves a martyr:

Michael Reinoehl, sought in fatal Portland shooting after Trump rally, killed by officers in Washington

[Via Roger J]

Dress Code

 Man fired for refusing to remove ‘Trump 2020’ hat at Newport News Shipbuilding [More]

Where he'll have them is if he can prove the policy has not been uniformly applied and enforced over the years.

This takes me back to a year or so ago when I came upon a traffic intersection that was closed for construction work and one of the standing-around "workers" had a hammer and sickle decal on his safety helmet.

[Via Mack H]

Maybe He Wants His Brady Award Back

 “Ohio must act,” Gov Mike DeWine said in a statement issues Sunday. “As more and more people are hurt and killed by gun violence, I am again urging Ohio’s legislature to pass our #STRONGOhio bill. This bill will help protect our citizens while also respecting the Second Amendment and due process rights.” [More]

Once a damned opportunistic liar, always a damned opportunistic liar.

Something Must be Done!

 The mother of a teenager who died of gunshot wounds in North Fairmount says her son’s worst fear created the grim irony of his death. [More]

"Wounds" plural...? And police aren't looking for a suspect? And the enabling mother let all this happen under her roof? And the professional blood dancer gets air time wringing his hands and moaning about how guns are bad?

The Old Switcheroo

Rittenhouse’s attorney, John Pierce of Pierce Bainbridge, plans to fight the underage weapons possession charge, arguing that at 17, his client could be part of the “well regulated Militia” mentioned in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Put another way, Pierce will likely argue that Wisconsin’s ban on firearms possession by 17-year-olds is unconstitutional because a 17-year-old minor is on the same Second Amendment footing as an adult. [More]

Now we get to see how the state and the courts try to twist their way out of this. (although I did wish the law recognized the absurd contradiction that's been deliberately created). 

Funny how the same people that want to put him away for life claim those even a year younger have the maturity to vote...

I'm leaving this post open today to add links to other Rittenhouse-related stories that get sent my way. Feel free to leave links you find in comments.