Friday, November 27, 2020

A Right Denied

 Unite the Right organizer Kessler denied concealed handgun permit [More]

I thought Virginia was a "shall issue" state. What among the allegations rises to the level of disqualifying him?

You don't have to like the guy, but if they can do it to him for other than legal reasons, they can do it to you.

[Via Mack H]

UPDATE (received via email):
Kessler was denied his concealed carry permit in Albermarle County (Charlottesville, VA) by their Circuit Court judge after receiving an affidavit from the Commonwealth's Attorney of Albermarle County.  He was denied the permit because he was convicted of felony perjury for lying about the dude who 'assaulted' Kessler at the Unite the Right rally.  I'm a Virginian and 2A lover, but here in the Old Dominion, you ain't getting your permit if you're a convicted liar in open court.  Dude's a felon.  End of story. Plus the scumbag factor is off the charts for this guy.  Were there shenanigans involved?  Highly likely.... but Kessler didn't appeal the felony perjury charge and actually pleaded guilty to it... got 30 days - suspended 30 days.  He can appeal the concealed carry permit decision of the circuit court judge within 60 days, I believe.  But dude's a convicted felon... an appeal to carry in Virginia isn't gonna change a damn thing. 

Thanks for WOG posts, a wealth of info in one place.  Keep pushing....

Speaking of Wretched Refuse at the Teeming Shore...

Plea hearing set for El Salvadoran citizen who has entered U.S. illegally at least four previous times​ [More]
God, America is such a cruel and hateful country!

[Via Mack H]

A Good Clip

 I purposely did not include a link at the end of my latest "gun safety" article, because it went to a piece from years back when I used the word that is the bane of anyone who knows anything about guns, "clip." I knew someone would pick up on that and make that and my evident ignorance the focus instead of the discussion I was inviting.

It's something I quickly learned not to repeat lest it bring hot coals and derision down upon my head, but in my defense, one of the writers who had influenced me was decorated combat legend Col. David Hackworth. He used it on occasion, and I figured I'd leave it to someone else to insist that he was wrong and deserving of their scorn:

Fortunately, There was a Memory Hole Nearby

Johns Hopkins Study Saying COVID-19 Has 'Relatively No Effect on Deaths' in U.S. Deleted After Publication [More]

Narrative, people, let's stay on message...

[Via Michael G]

Suicide Squad

 Gruesome Proof That Social Workers Cannot Replace Police [More]

But do we really mind if more try?

[Via Michael G]

The Democratic Way of Doing Things

Biden’s DHS pick “disqualified” for “selling Green Cards to Chinese nationals on behalf of rich, democratic donors” [More]

Heck, send 'em up to Santa Clara County and get 'em all concealed carry permits!

[Via Michael G]

No Country for Old Men

 It is just unbelievable to someone who grew up in the United States of America that in the last few days because of censorship of criticism of the Biden Campaign, I have had to quit Twitter, quit my column for, and had a post banned on LinkedIn. [More]

The government doesn't have to ban speech if it can get fawning economic fascists to do that job for it.

And we ain't seen nothin' yet.

[Via Agustin B]

Not His Problem

 However, County Executive Jeff Smith told San José Spotlight that Garcia’s and Liccardo’s judgement of the situation is premature and chastised them for using the tragedy to advance their political agenda of making drastic changes to county’s immigration policies. [More]

Jeff doesn't look like he spends a lot of personal time in areas where his political agenda and deliberate indifference impact quality of life issues

[Via Wynn A 

Speaking of Being Sick of Things...

 “I agree with you 100-percent — the I agree with you 100-percent — the First Amendment excuse is out. Right? First Amendment excuse is out. Right? Folks are sick of that.” [More]

You think those "folks" will like the Second Amendment "excuse" any better?

More to the point, how could you be stupid enough to think "Chief Diversity Officer" is a real job?

[Via Michael G]

You Can't Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

 After defunding the police, Portland mayor attacks police for not arresting more rioters (that just get released anyway) [More]

I just can't decide who I would rather see chase this guy down.

[Via Michael G]

The Difference Between a Jab and a Knockout Punch

 Illegal Votes From Noncitizens Likely Affected the 2020 Election, Study Says [More]

But it's the "legal" ones that hurt us most.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue."

[Via bondmen]

Marching Past

 There Won’t Be Any BLM Marches To Call For Justice For Carl Jackson Jr. [More]

Not unless they can tie it to a greater agenda...

[Via bondmen]

Cat Out of the Bag

 ‘Cat Eyes’ may turn your trip to St. Louis Lambert Airport into a visit with police [More]

I guess I'm wondering who would think TSA wouldn't want another trophy? Then again, I never have understood how anyone could be so oblivious as to be unaware of a gun in their carry-on. 

[Via bondmen]

A Second (Amendment) Chance?

Barrett Reloaded? A New Third Circuit Decision Could Prove The Perfect Base For A Second Amendment Blowout [More]

So some "felons" can be trusted with a gun and  Martha Stewart may not pose a mortal danger to us all (unless she votes)?

If the Second Amendment is a fully incorporated individual civil right, however, the law and the courts should arguably use strict scrutiny in reviewing the constitutionality of laws that infringe on it. [More]

Damn straight. Only gun-grabbers and gutless "moderate" squishes argue otherwise.

Then again, the blowout may have already happened and may be why Roberts will betray us again.

[Via bondmen]

Deerly Departed

Deer steals hunter's gun, flees into woods [More]

It doesn't say what game they were going after, but I'd think you'd have to be a lot more accomplished of a woodsman than this guy to try to take a deer down with a .22 Hornet.

[Via bondmen]

An Idea Whose Time Has Come (and Gone)

Didn’t We Learn This Lesson 400 Years Ago? [More]

I've been hearing some version of this story for decades now, and it definitively shows how, as with all "progressive ideas," socialism is hardly new and will never bring anything but misery. 

That's why they need to lie, control information, and rewrite history.

Hence "The 1619 Project."

[Via bondmen]

Where No Customer or Citizen Goes Unthreatened!


What an oinker that badged bully is and what an exaggerating, self-justifying little hysterical snitch that Walmart manager is. No doubt the same players would have the same reaction now if customers DON'T wear face coverings.

Sure shows a mindset, doesn't it? I hope the victim gets awarded enough from both to retire.

I'm tweeting this link to Walmart ("Where real people go for real good stuff") and the City of Sahuarita (Where life comes together!") just to let them know how little I think of their "representatives" in this travesty.

[Via Jess]

Now They're Priorities?

 With the growing likelihood of congressional deadlock for the next couple of years, gun control activists are going to be focusing a lot of their efforts on state-level gun laws, and one of their top priorities in the next legislative session in many states will be an attempt to empower local governments to pass gun control laws of their own. [More]

Are we sure that's how it's going to work out?

In any case, the strategy is hardly "new."  Some of us have been warning about build-ups of state gun-grab machines to rule your home for many years.  

[Via Jess]

A Most Dangerous Game

Are Virginia Dems Playing Political Games With Lobby Day? [More]

No. They are deliberately insulting RKBA advocates and letting them know they have the power to get away with it, at least politically and "legally," which are the only repercussions they've come to expect.

And Jorge helped!

That and there's the refusal by the gun groups to even admit the obvious, let alone strategize around it...

[Via Jess]

Bumped Out of Court

Ohio Court Strikes Down Cincinnati’s Bump Stock Ban [More]

Not that one member of Team Tyranny will lose his job over this... 

My concern is if SCOTUS will hear the federal case, and what it will do about it.

I do note there are still plenty of obnoxious (and universally hostile) dumbasses who have completely missed the point out there bloviating about a piece of plastic not being a hill worth dying on.

[Via Jess]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Words 'Kraken' and 'Biblical' Are: Today's 'Stop the Steal' Aggregator

 Sidney Powell's 'Kraken' Voter Fraud Lawsuits Ridiculed by Legal Experts Over Typos, Lack of Evidence [More]

I have no doubt the "legal experts" are doctrinaire Democrats, but still, great, no, YUGE expectations have been raised and this is coming off more like a Larson cartoon. It looks like what they're doing is picking at nits to distract attention away from "the beef," but nonetheless, the optics look like she's not ready for prime time and that makes it easy to discount and dismiss everything with a public that responds primarily to establishment headlines.

Anyway and as before, I'll add non-repetitive related links to this post as the day progresses. As always, look at all claims with a critical eye.

Wayne's World

 “This is the type of cleanup I would expect to see after a history of gross violations of nonprofit law”... [More]

Tell me this doesn't make you want to pay top dollar for mixed message swag!

I'm just trying to wrap my head around the cognitive dissonance of being shot to death by a SWAT team in a confiscation raid while wearing an NRA "Come and take it" cap AND an NRA "thin blue line" t-shirt.

[Via Michael G]

UPDATE: This one illustrates a conflict of interest. That's a point I expect to be addressing soon in an update to my "intervenor" piece.

[Via DDS]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Developed' Is

Russia ‘successfully’ tests terrifying new 9,000MPH ‘star wars’ missile that can blow up US satellites in space [More]

Kind'a makes you wonder why so many gun grabbers leave them out of their "developed countries" considerations...