Friday, December 11, 2020

So Much for that 5-4 'Conservative' Majority

The fact that what happens at the federal level is binding on Texas is not "judicially cognizable"?

It's Time to Play 'Out the Gunquack!'

 The study tasks doctors with asking all patients about their access and exposure to guns, and recommending interventions and safety tips as needed. [More]

As soon as he asks, hand him this form. Bonus points for taking a video of his/her reaction on your phone and posting it online.

[Via Mack H]

I Smell a Rat

 NRA Files Motion Excluding “Mouse Brain Expert” from FL Gun Rights Suit [More]

The same people putting him on the stand want the mouse brains to vote.

A Greater Danger

Is It Dangerous to Fight Voter Fraud? (The Dems And MSM Believe Investigations Are Bad) [More]

This is the first "Stop the Steal" post of the day, so I guess if I get any more this will become the aggregator.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Minding Your Manners Enough

 Video from Hanover Sheriff’s Office shows how to interact with police during traffic stop [More]

Do not spit or swallow until instructed as to his preferences by the officer. 

Tangentially related, at least they understand there's no way to justify curfew stops or enforce "stay at home" orders (yet). 

[Via Mack H]

Widening the Net

 Ghost-Gun Company Raided by Federal Agents - ATF suspects Polymer80 of breaking firearms laws, a sign that law enforcement is looking closer at makers of DIY gun kits [More]

Don't you just love the way they can change the definition of "firearm" on a calculated whim?  Who'd they learn that from?

ATF bureaucrats are emboldened by the way they perceive the election has gone and increasingly brazen in giving Trump the finger -- not that he didn't essentially set the stage for that himself.

Herschel says "This is about finding out who the buyers are." And shares some "wisdom."

[Via Len Savage

Speaking of Foreign Entanglements...

 China Seems Ready for a Fight Over Taiwan [More]

The question for each of us is "Am I?"

And who's up for a deluge of "pathway to citizenship" refugees from a country that has a population conditioned to accept "restrictive" gun laws?

[Via Michael G]

Interesting Priorities

 Hunter Biden news embarrasses media defenders [More]

All of whom are ignoring this.

So the object of journalism is not to regret what you've been covering up?

And how is this "ethical," as opposed to more proof that Barr is a self-serving swamp thing?

[Via bondmen]

Damn Gun Nuts!

 Governor Abbott announced Wednesday that he is deploying resources from the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to Houston. This move is to support the Houston Police Department as it deals with a sharp rise in road rage shootings and other violent crimes. [More]

Anyone want to take my bet that not one of the @200 perpetrators will prove to be an NRA/GOA/SAF member?

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Piling Up Enough

 Witness blames St. Louis police for fatal chain-reaction crash; police deny accusation [More]

Remind you of anything?

[Via bondmen]

Good Evening, Clarice


Why wouldn't we expect power perverts to be depraved in all things?

[Via bondmen]

Someone Hasn't Thought Things Through

If Trump's Nazis don't get with the program and stop with the civil war s*it, I'm fine with the "Escape from New York" approach to dealing with them. [More]

Block off the "blue zones" so their residents cannot spread destruction to the surrounding areas? When do we start?

[Via bondmen]

A 'Commonsense' Solution

Jackson Township police arrest drunk driver with stolen, loaded gun [More]
If only "universal background checks" were imposed on you!

Duck Duck Gone?

Can they really be our pals? [More]

Forgive me for noting how in bed with the Chi-coms their political beneficiaries are, and then wondering how private things really are...

I can't tell if this makes a difference either way. 

[Via Laocoön]

If You're a Circuit Attorney, Where are Your Ethics?

 St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner Was Dismissed from McCloskey Case After She Was Caught Fundraising off the Incident [More]

Apparently, a judge disagreed with her:
Ethics? We ain't got no ethics.
We don't need no ethics!
I don't have to show you any stinkin' ethics!

[Via Michael G]

For the Children

Police Reports Detail Warnock’s Obstruction in 2002 Child-Abuse Probe That Led to His Arrest [More]

'bout time this started getting wider notice. I've already brought it up several times here and have been wondering why it's not an issue Republicans are hammering over and over and over...

[Via Michael G]

Blessed are the Peacekeepers

 The Gun Problem No One Talks About: Shooting Ranges in Schools [More]

I've talked about it:

Yep, Chicago. And note the races weren't at each others' throats in such environments.

Now if only the citizens of this country would get smart and start claiming their Militia birthright...

[Via Mack H]

♫ I Hope I Get My Raisins from Fresno ♫

 The FOX 8 I-Team learned another Amazon delivery driver was held up at gunpoint in Cleveland and his truck was stolen ... This week, the I-Team revealed two other Amazon drivers recently got robbed at gunpoint and had their trucks stolen. Both of those crimes happened last month in Cleveland’s Fairfax section. [More]

With Christmas increasing deliveries, I really just noticed last night how the local roads are crawling with Bezosmobiles and wondered how long it would take enterprising young highwaymen to start applying old ways to new. Nothing succeeds like success, so look for others to emulate.

You have to wonder at what point the victims will figure out nothing deters like real deterrents. My guess is they'll be deemed "acceptable losses" with insurance and thus shipping costs raised, and with the instruction to "just give them what they want," even if what they want turns out to be an unacceptable loss.

It's almost enough to make me want to order one of these off of Amazon.

USA Today ‘Interns’ Exhibit Typical Gannett ‘Ethics’

That’s a lot of uninformed minds being manipulated to vote for gun-grabbing Democrats, and that’s just from one media company. Look at all the other papers and all the other networks and realize this is what the overwhelming majority of Americans are being inundated with 24/7. [More]

All the news that's fit to wipe with...