Tuesday, December 22, 2020

ATF Brace ‘Factors’ Feign ‘Understanding’ Backed Up by Future Threat

What we’re seeing is an emboldened ATF leadership ramping up those infringements in what looks for all the world like Acting Director Regina Lombardo auditioning for a permanent spot with the Harris administration (and yeah, that was intentional).  Between the braces, colluding with Team Biden and the Polymer80 raid, breaking claims of another company raided over Form 1 suppressor build parts, they are signaling that they are ready, willing, and eager to do whatever it takes to facilitate the Democrat citizen disarmament agenda. [More]

We sure are a far cry from “shall not be infringed,” are we not?

Best Not to Say a Word

 Time for a Biden-Inspired “Tragic Boating Accident” [More]

Why? Lying to the feds will get you in the slammer and on the "prohibited persons" list as fast as anything.

Don't talk to the police.

Be smart about who you do talk to. 

Don't be that "low-hanging fruit."

[Via Michael G]

Rise and Shine!

 Are the Democrats waking the sleeping giant? [More]

I wish I had more faith that anyone who could sleep through all this would be up to speed before the burning stake has been driven in his eye.

[Via Michael G]

Suggested Comments

We need you to make your voice heard! [More]

I have

I like John, but these corrupt bastards are under orders to dictate the terms of surrender and have no intention of being persuaded by reason.

[Via Mack H]

The Philosopher Kings

 Davos 2021 to feature 'Great Reset' of capitalism [More]

See anyone you elected to represent you in there?

Me neither.

What could go wrong?

[Via Agustin B]

It's Not Like the Voters Have a Need to Know

 Too Bad To Check: Did Warnock Stiff Georgia On Unemployment Taxes While Helming New Georgia Project? [More]

Funny. I can't find a word about this from the DSM. It probably wouldn't matter though to anyone who would vote for him in this post-Edwin Edwards era.

[Via Michael G]

Abridge Too Far

 Ohio bans restrictive college free speech zones, enhances protections for student expression [More]

That any further addition to 1A is deemed needed confirms how far from the vision of the Founders "we" have strayed. Speaking of which, when is that little weasel DeWine going to act on "stand your ground"?

[Via Michael G]

The Voice of Reason

 How Immigrants Make America Great Again (and Again and Again) [More]

I notice no one from Cato and Reason is interested in answering my challenge.

[Via bondmen]

Dog Day Afternoon

The sheriff called the family “very dysfunctional.” [More]

Ya think?

Tell me Junior didn't pass the genes on.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Tax-Free Enough

 Missouri lawmaker wants to eliminate state income tax for law enforcement [More]

So much for equal protection. Leave it to a dumbass "law and order Republican" to come up with an offensively stupid proposal like this instead of focusing on what was really designed to be "necessary to the security of a free State."

[Via bondmen]

Making Threats

 Obscure neo-Nazi Satanist group Order of Nine Angles becomes latest domestic terror threat: CIA and FBI fear extremely violent group is making inroads among supremacists' [More]

This is what they use to smear all of us with.

I wonder how many are embeds, provocateurs, and CIs...?

Hey, you can't have a "Two Minutes Hate" without Emmanuel Goldstein.

[Via bondmen]

Find One Who's Not

Here’s A List Of Biden’s Pro-Gun Control Cabinet Picks [More]

Just assume they all are.

[Via bondmen]

...That the Democrat Rolls Grew Three Sizes That Day

 Merry Christmas, US Readers! Don’t Let Open Borders Fanatics Hijack Your Holiday [More]

Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue."

When Next We Meet

What better place to hold it than in a shrine to the man who "mentored" LBJ?

I wonder if there will be another last-minute "surprise." Then there's the reality of who runs the town.

That "reality" is everywhere though: What city has a large enough facility they can hold it in that is not run by oath-breakers and worse?

[Via Jess]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Firearm' Is

Former ATF Agent Testifies AR Receivers Don't Meet Legal Definition [Watch]

We talked about this in February. Naturally, no one in power wants to admit the truth.

Here I thought a firearm was whatever ATF says is one -- especially if it's a machinegun.

Also see: ATF Solvent Trap Brace 80% Lowers And Walmart 

[Via Jess]

The Way 'Progressive' Power Works

This kind of riot line and equipment deployment seemed to be utterly missing from riots caused by antifa and Black Lives Matter throughout 2020 in multiple cities across Oregon. Yet when the people of Oregon try to exercise their constitutional rights to watch in person as their representatives do the business of the people, however, an army of police came out. [More]

You're either helping to advance the agenda or you're going to get put down. What's so hard to understand about that?

[Via Michael G]

And There Was War in Heaven

 Ilhan Omar slams lawmakers like AOC for ‘shameful’ COVID vaccination ... The Minnesota congresswoman has joined a growing number of lawmakers who have vowed not to take the miracle Pfizer drug out of concerns they are jumping the line. [More]

Delighted to see dissension in the ranks and I love it that these stupid commie b*****s can't wait to purge each other, but I do wonder if the real reason some "lawmakers" are delaying is to let others be the coal mine canaries...

No, no, you first, I insist...

And with that, it looks like this post will be today's Covid aggregator. 

[Via Jess Michael G Don J

Does This Mean We Get Virgins in Paradise?

 CNN’s Brian Stelter Compares ISIS To Trump Supporters ‘Radicalized’ By The ‘Right-Wing Media Machine’ [More]

I was just thinking that exact thing the other day as I was sawing off a DSM reporter's head.