Monday, December 21, 2020

The Not Ready for Primetime Players


That's quite the testimonial.

This could be you. By government order.

Meanwhile, over near Chi-Town:
Four employees experienced adverse reactions - including tingling and elevated heartrate - shortly after vaccination...

Humphrie the carni-pig still wants no part of it.

And they'd better pray none of the "disproportionately affected" die. Especially considering:
Every single US state is being advised to consider ethnic minorities as critical groups for vaccination with HALF prioritizing black and Hispanic residents over white.
It's fair to ask if "citizenship" will be a factor, considering who is footing the bill. 

And, with this just in, it looks like I'm turning this post into today's Covid aggregator:


Anonymous said...

OK, so they want to do the initial large scale beta testing in the field using (*) as the test subjects.

(*) = Whatever the woke euphemism of the day for Other Than Euroid is.

Henry said...

And, of course, the Catch-22 is that if "ethnic minorities" disproportionately keel over and die due to hazards in the vaccine, it will all be the fault of us white people who weren't allowed to take it yet, because racism!

Carl "Bear" Bussjaeger said...

She's in good company with more than 5,000 other "health impact event" victims.