Monday, January 25, 2021

Thought for the Day

 Remember how Holder's DOJ coordinated Fast and Furious "reports" with Media Matters? [More]

That was uncovered by The Daily Caller's Matthew Boyle via his Freedom of Information Act inquiries.

I wonder which agency is most likely to have colluded with tech and social media "deplatformers" to censor suggested targets on behalf of the government, that is, who should a FOIA request be sent to...?

1 comment:

  1. Further misquoting a popular misquote of a Papal Legate:

    "FOIA them all and let God sort them out!"

    Now I know that ain't happening. It takes money to make the FOIA work and none of us has an unlimited amount. Perhaps if there were a way for us to fund your efforts?


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