Thursday, January 21, 2021


 I hear nervous misgivings from my fellow citizens of Wokeania. I hear concerned whispers about the vicious attacks on trans rights heretics like J.K. Rowling. I hear cautious bitching about the hypocrisy of fashion influencers who scream for the removal of statues of long-dead slavers while accepting large sums to appear in ads for fashion brands that rely on modern-day slavery to stitch their clothes. But very few of them are willing to speak out against this phoniness. I get it. You’re scared of the online abuse, you’re scared of work mysteriously drying up if you have the wrong opinions, but above of all, you are scared of being unpopular. Well, now you have Wokeyleaks. [More]

From the group that still has outrage meltdowns about exposing Hollywood communists in the 50s...

[Via Michael G]


  1. "To any would-be Edward Snowflakes out there: ..."

    Now THAT is droll.

  2. "We are so trapped within the algorithm that we’re blind to the fact that social justice is no longer a political movement but a branding exercise."

    We've been calling it "virtue signaling" for years. But that was surely while you weren't listening.

  3. Howpefully wokeyleaks will restore some normality.


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