Thursday, February 18, 2021

More Like Ripping It Asunder

Are Democrats Creating Two Americas? [More]

They don't create. They plunder creations and destroy creators.

[Via Mack H]


  1. "she said that to get out from under the thumb of the Jacobins, it’s important that our side “create our own institutions… pretty much our own everything.” Dinesh D’Souza offered that as a remedy to Big Tech tyranny, we need to not only create content, but infrastructure. Debbie closed with: “We have to, in a sense, create our own United States of America.”

    We used to own the original one, but as Conquest's Second Law says, "Every organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing." People peddling secession have the same problem: how will you stop the continuous influx of locusts into your new preserves? I haven't yet seen a good answer.

  2. Submitted for your consideration: the Ds, socialists, Marxist-Leninists, communists, and their fellow traveling running-dog lackeys are far more infectious and deadly than any little virus their masters export for our consumption.

    There aren't enough lamp posts along Pennsylvania Ave.


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