Thursday, May 27, 2021

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Phrase 'Subject to Negotiation' Is...

 Democrat Chris Murphy and Republican John Cornyn believe they may have landed on a new way to beef up background checks while attracting bipartisan support. [More]


[Via Steve T

1 comment:

  1. 1994: Citing the media-driven factoid that there are “more gun dealers in America than gas stations,” Bill Clinton announces new regulations that result in four out of five existing Federal Firearms Licensees nationwide losing their licenses, on the basis that they are hobbyists and not bona fide commercial entities. The act is lauded as the harbinger of a new and hopeful age of reduced gun crime.

    2016: Barack Obama pledges to require any private gun owner who sells an arbitrary and explicitly unspecified number of guns per year (sometimes as few as “one or two”) to obtain a Federal Firearms License. The act is lauded as the harbinger of a new and hopeful age of reduced gun crime.

    Big-government socialists: whipsawing your life on a whim and a pretext, with vain promises to get it right this time.
    They’ll never get it right.


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