Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Just So They Know Where They Stand

 NYT Reporter: Trump Supporters are 'Enemies of the State' [More]

Been sayin' Trump's just an avatar.

The cold civil war is heating up.

And the useful communist sympathizer idiots at "The Newsraper of Record" seem to believe they'll remain above it all.

[Via Michael G]


  1. Mike once opined, correctly IMHO, that America has devolved or is devolving into two nations living within common borders, but with widely diverging views on the roles that should be played by the citizens and the government.

    Note the stark differences in the way last year's "peaceful protests", the non stop rioting in Portland, the situation at the southern border, and the assault on the Capitol are being portrayed in the press, by the Government, and by your friends and neighbors.

    So when you think about it, we're probably enemies of the reporter's "state" and he's probably an enemy of ours.

    Could that rift be healed at any time in the near future? Frankly, I don't see anyone acknowledging that it even exists much less doing anything to fix it. Except of course for Creepy Sleepy Joe. He says its his top priority.

    Not holding my breath.

  2. The thing giving me comfort right now is that in the Stalinist purges, journalists were arrested and sent to the camps, too. They found that it was impossible to keep up with the intricate and Byzantine mental gymnastics demanded to stay in the Leader's favor. Sooner or later they too heard the early morning knock on the door. That time will come for these disgraceful scum-eaters too, at least if they get the regime they are advocating. And we're more than halfway there.


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