Friday, August 27, 2021

Any Questions?


And thank you for your service! 


  1. I cannot count the number of times that "Q Anon" followers and other assorted social media induced schizophrenics have claimed that the military has hauled off to GITMO Hillary Clinton, Tom Hanks, Bill Gates, etc. A recent popular delusion has been that Biden, et al. are really at a White House mock up at Castle Rock Studios while the military is holding tribunals in the D.C. White House.

    When these people are reminded that this could only be happening under martial law and the suspension of the Constitution, they almost always parrot the "Do you research!" talking point. As stated in the video, those calling for martial law to be the end all savior to the mess everything is in right now are going to end up being hoisted upon their own petard if their wish comes true.

    IMO,"Q Anon" is a cleverly crafted social media pacification psyop that is a result of what was started under General David Petraeus and General James Mattis.

    Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media

    'Q-Anon' Bears Striking Resemblance to Bolshevik Psy-Op From 1920s Known As 'Operation Trust'

    Here is every QAnon prediction that’s failed to come true

  2. She's now a TV star!

    Her tweet was covered on Dan Ball's show on OANN tonight.

    Here's hoping she gets rewarded appropriately.

  3. What an obnoxious b*tch. It almost makes you want to support the other side in Crapistan. And lady, if you guys are so great, why are you retreating ignominiously in Kabul, having the terms dictated to YOU by the formerly "declared dead" Taliban? Remember, Ahmed and Mahmet did not have the benefit of your fine training and were illiterate goat herders before they took up soldiering. And yes, I know the US military was "only following orders", following them to the extent of giving a metaphorical middle finger to any fellow Americans unlucky enough to be too far from the airport to reach it in time.

  4. I also want to remind the "lady" (and I use that term very loosely) that in 20th century civil wars, ex Russia, Spain, Yugoslavia, etc. half of the combatants are regular military units that have broken with the regime and is now fighting against them. Sometimes these folks win - Franco and his rebel military ruled Spain for decades after his victory in 1939. The regime's supporters found mass graves. If the scenario you envision comes to pass, you will be fighting men as well trained and well equipped as yourself. Just what do you think is going to be your fate when you are taken prisoner, or your side surrenders? I'm not sure the "lady" in the video has the intellect to seriously consider these possibilities.

    "Resistance is futile" - yeah, tell that to the French Maquis, the Soviet partizans, the Viet Minh or the Afghan muhajaddin.


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