Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Should'a Would'a Could'a

 "They knew the ordinance was illegal and decided to spend taxpayer dollars to do it anyway. Now the Supreme Court has spoken and Cincinnati voters should ask Council Members why they wasted so much time and money on this foolish and illegal pursuit." [More]

They should but they won't.

Face it, who but a manipulable moron, a cultist, or a greedy bastard profiting from corruption would vote for such as these? 


  1. The "Gun Control" fantasy isn't logical, it is a cult. Going after violent individuals would bring them into conflict with other "Woke" fantasies, so they don't "think". The question is whether the city or the voters will tolerate this fantasy. I get cranky when people use my money on their fantasy but, really, I would not expect much blow-back. The voters elected this crew since they probably have the same fantasy. "Gun Control" is a simple fantasy that doesn't require a lot of thought.

  2. Ever heard any office holder say "I can't in good conscience vote for that ordinance/bill because in my judgement it is unconstitutional."?

    Neither have I.

    Funny how they all take an oath to "protect, preserve and defend" or something similar. But when it comes down to the wire the best you can hope for is "Well ya, it might be unconstitutional but we're going to pass it anyway. It's SCOTUS' job to rule on constitutionality." Whereupon they violate their oaths and kick the can in SCOTUS' "general direction" to borrow a Monty Python line.

    But nowhere in the Constitution of the United States does it say it is SCOTUS' job to rule on constitutionality. In fact they appointed themselves that gig in a power grab embedded in Marbury v Madison (1803).

    To my knowledge, no one has ever officially called them on it.


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