Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Time for 'Fact Checkers' to Strangle This in the Crib

 COVID BREAKTHROUGH: Scientists Discover Antibody That Can Stop COVID Infection Before It Starts And Undo All Variants [More]

This has to be science fiction. There's not a word about it on CNN or MSNBC.

UPDATE -- Maybe they can harvest some off of these guys:
CDC admits it has no record of unvaxxed individual with COVID natural immunity spreading virus.


  1. David,

    I used Duck Duck to search for:


    "University of Virginia"

    Try that and see.

  2. You've seen the illustrations of COVID viruses. You're familiar with those little "spikes" on the outside. An Influenza virus pretty much looks the same. Those "spikes" are protein keys that unlock a pathway for the virus to inject its genetic material into a living cell. Different keys unlock cells of different species. That's where the "gain of function" stuff comes into play. Change the spike, infect a different species. Current antibodies tend to identify those spikes and bind to them, making it difficult or impossible for the virus to reproduce. Change the spike, make the existing vaccines useless. In the wild, viruses mutate to different spike configurations all the time. It can also be done in labs like the one in Wuhan, China or the one in Ft. Detrick, MD.

    That difference in spikes is what makes Influenza H1N1 different from H2Ni for instance, and also makes COVID different from SARS, and different from the common cold.

    But the virus body that the spikes attach to could also be a target for the immune system. Research is underway for a Flu vaccine that targets ALL influenza viruses by targeting the proteins in the virus body. They say it will be ready "soon." When/if it comes out, no more annual Flu vaccine that targets their best guess of what Flu strains will be infecting people next year. And it will be a big enough deal that you won't have to hear about it from "World Nut Daily."

    Ditto on the above for a "universal" corona virus vaccine. If/when it happens, the lame stream media won't be able to sit on the news for long.


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