Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Every Picture Tells a Story


Well, here's a surprise:

I wonder how much longer Dewine is going to make us wait...

I think Gary Wolske, President of the Fraternal Order of Police of Ohio, just gave him his bill rejection talking points. That must be why his self-serving weasel words are followed by a disclaimer:
Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting.
Can't let the low-information head-nodders know there might be a different way of looking at things.


  1. This is the same old bullshit playbook the left used over shall-issue. Even after half the country had already adopted it with no ill effects, the tune was invariably "OMG, our state will experience Armageddon!" The sheeple in Oregon and New Jersey were positive that they were even incapable of safely pumping their own gas for almost 50 years after everyone else in the country was.

  2. "These people will be making life and death decisions they will be ill-equipped to make."

    The same could be said for voter registration which also subjects you to calls for jury duty.


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