Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Preemptive Surrender?

Gun show promoter agrees to ban the sale of “ghost guns” at their shows… [More]

And they retweeted a gun-grabber crowing? (In fairness, I have only seen the graphic, not a substantiating link.)

Amen Brown? Where have I seen "gun rights leaders" endorsing his bills before?

UPDATE: Eagle says it's all part of a manufacturer's purchasing agreement. That seems a bit cryptic in the face of all that legalese, and it would serve them well to summarize the fine points of their position.

Well, It was Some Damn White People...

 ‘Browning Of California’: Newsom Says Recall Effort Is Motivated By Racism [More]

Jeez. Just yesterday it was motivated by anti-vaxers/anti-maskers.

[Via Mack H]

You Don't Need Weapons of War to Defend Yourself!

WI: Gun Range Owner uses Suppressed Automatic Rifle to Defend Self, Business [More]

 Based on what the antis instruct us, the bad guys would have succeeded in putting a lot more "guns on the street." 

[Via Jess]

Speaking of Propaganda

White Supremacist Propaganda Efforts Nearly Doubled In 2020 [More]

Talk about utterly meaningless numbers.

Forbes, eh? Content to be narrative amplifiers for the "racists" at the ADL?

Remember when Steve wanted us to think he was one of us and the "single-issue" NRA mouthpiece asked him about everything but the right to keep and bear arms?

[Via Mack H]

In the Navy

 Biden Admin Halts Navy Operations, Orders Sailors to Undergo 'Chilling' Stand-Down Training [More]

Who thinks the Chicoms are training their sailors to stand down?

[Via Michael G]

If They Didn't Know What's Best They Wouldn't Be Our Superiors

 In 2021, we are experiencing a similar disjunction, between an elite that seeks to alter the conditions of American life—everything from folkways to the administrative and legal rules that structure our society—and a wide variety of folks (plural peoples) who are victims of this new governing elite. [More]

The difference is, this time we have no elites on our side. Well, maybe once in a while Trump and the My Pillow guy...

[Via Michael G]

All a Misunderstanding

 Washington Post Outs the Source Behind the Fake Trump Quotes [More]

I'm sorry, I can't get beyond "How do you pronounce Fuchs?"

[Via Michael G]

Americans and Their Firearms

 Americanii și armele lor de foc [More]

Or you could go to the (imperfect but close enough in most parts) Inclusiv translation.

This is the second time I've been interviewed by Răzvan Sibii for the Romanian press. The first was almost 11 years ago when he posted on Mike Vanderboegh and me in Adevărul.

As Mike said:

Some folks have asked why I spend the time with foreign news outlets. Aside from the fact that they tend to a. spell my name right and b. quote me accurately (two things you definitely cannot count on with domestic media), I look upon the fight for liberty as a world-wide struggle. Thus, in the interests of some future "Liberty International" I am always happy to explain the Founders' Republic to foreign press. Our enemies think globally. So should we.

Sibii and I talked about a lot more but not everything can make it into the final cut and I think he did a good job distilling things down to the essentials. There is one thing I regretted not having mentioned during our conversation but will bring up now in response to Zoe Grover's contention that "The state has tanks and bombs, which cannot be bought by the citizen. The citizens would lose that war":

Two words: Nicolae Ceaușescu.

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Conservative' Is

Conservatives Drift Leftward in the Plan to Rescue America [More]

As noted before, the term is dependent on time and place. At the time of the War of the Rebellion, conservatives backed the King. The way "conservative" is used here, noting Mitt Romney and unconstitutional Republican usurpations are being so identified, is calculated to make anyone "to the right" of that attackable as an extremist.

Unfortunately, and deliberately, the term "liberal" has been appropriated by those who are the farthest thing from it.

[Via Mack H]

A Good First Step

 Concealed carry will soon be allowed on campuses in this state - Students at public colleges in Montana will be permitted to possess firearms on school property. [More]

It's definitely an incremental improvement. But what's with the "express permission of roomate[s]" bit and the other restrictions?

[Via Michael G]

The Enemies List

 Teachers Compile List Of Parents Who Question Racial Curriculum, Plot War On Them - "Infiltrate... shut down their websites… expose these people publicly" [More]

Let turnabout equal fair play. 

[Via Michael G]

The Gospel According to St. Joe

 Joe Biden is now urging all local pastors and priests to preach wearing masks and making sure you get your vaccine. [More]

Render unto Geezer...

Who Could Have Seen That Coming?

 Kevin McCarthy Vindicated: Four Arrested at Border Since October on FBI Terrorist Watchlist - Authorities nabbed three men from Yemen and one from Serbia. [More]

I wouldn't quite say "vindicated." 

I do wonder how many Americans Democrats are going to end up getting killed.

[Via Michael G]

Going, Going, GONE

 Sen. Cotton on How the Chamber of Commerce Has 'Gone Left' [More]

Welcome to the party, pal.

[Via Michael G]

Point of Order

 That the Constitution talks about the Consent of the Governed also means that the governed were considered to be able to make proper, just decisions about their own lives, and had the right to do that, without goverment intervention. [More]

It doesn't. It implies it, but that phrase is from the Declaration of Independence.

[Via bondmen]

Doing the Jobs Americans Aren't Offered

 Up To Two-Thirds Of Entry-Level Tech Jobs Go To Foreign Guest-Workers From Unranked Colleges [More]

Gee, it's almost like there's an unstated goal at play here...

Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single  issue."

[Via bondmen]


People with high emotional intelligence less likely to fall for ‘fake news’ [More]

Nope, no researcher bias when the first example the "study" presents characterizes a cherry-picked challenge to the climate change wealth transfer fraud as "fake."

So if you support "progressive" government usurpation, you're smarter than that dumb old basket of deplorables. Q.E.D.

What did Mr. Pynchon warn us about?

[Via bondmen]

Resistance is Futile

The Sovereign Crime of Industrial Scale Vote Fraud [More]

No worries. "[L]ead builders of one of the world’s most sophisticated criminal profiling systems in use by law enforcement today" don't stand a chance against the magic word.

[Via Michael G]

Tangentially-related UPDATES: 

Taking It on the Manchin


If you go, beware of troublemakers and provocateurs.

Every Blade Behind Glass

 A Texas bill, HB 4415, has been introduced that would require "retail establishments" to display knives "in a locked transparent case accessible only with the assistance of an employee of the establishment." [More]

Because grown-ups can't be trusted to know how to deal with knives and need some politician to control them or something...

Here's what I don't get:

The Chairman of the committee, Representative Abel Herrero, is a proven pro-Second Amendment legislator...
What have we learned about "pro-gun Democrats"...?

Keeping His Distance?

 We are completely unaware of a single news report, radio interview or even recorded public statement where Lt. Governor Randy McNally has indicated that he supports allowing any person who can legally possess a firearm to carry a firearm.  This is, as Brian Wilson noted, an issue of significant public interest so the question is why are there no clear public statements by the Lt. Governor?   [More]


Another Tool in the Box


I guess...

To each his own and there is no "one size fits all" approach to self-defense that covers all scenarios...

Anybody know about state/city-specific legality issues people should be aware of?

We're the Only Ones Simulated Enough

 "We required every officer in the state to receive additional use of force training and de-escalation training before any other on a national level before any other state was doing this," Wigginton said. "We talk about it in a lecture-based environment. We test them academically on a written test," he added. After that, they're put through the high-tech simulation, where an instructor controls each moment of the scenario and can change what happens next with the click of a button. This is where costly mistakes are revealed before they happen in real life. [More]

Looks intriguing. I wouldn't mind trying that myself. That said, a line by Pinkley comes to mind.

As do a few questions:

  • Is that facility for "Only Ones" only?
  • Is there any statistical validation to justify the additional expense?
  • What are the chances the antis would require prior restraint certification on "We the People"?

I'm not against the idea. Under certain circumstances, I'm even for it. I'm just observing that government consistently finds ways to turn what could be blessings into curses.

And I still want to see the chihuahua scenario.

[Via Mack H]

Optics Illusions

 New information about the failure to protect the U.S. Capitol – despite intelligence suggesting a pre-planned attack – asserts that it was President Trump’s team that forced the issue of National Guard deployment, while Army officials at the Pentagon were more concerned about the backlash they might face from the media, the DC Mayor, and the political left. [More]

Hence the urge to purge "Trumpsters" from the ranks...

I'm still trying to figure out why "backlash" isn't a problem when Democrats do it...

[Via Mack H]

Chasing the Dragon

 The new Biden team must signal its willingness to go to the mat for Taiwan and help ensure the island can defend itself, but without further spooking Beijing. [More]

Methinks Lara Seligman and Politico don't grok what "going to the mat" entails. And did you catch how Trump's responses to repeated aggressive Chicom schemes are characterized as "repeated provocation"?

[Via Mack H]

New Red Flags


So if you are into any of these things you pretty much need to be canceled?

A 21-year-old white man...
Not that I disapprove of the ID. I just wish they'd be consistent.

Georgia shooting suspect may have 'sexual addiction'
I thought alternative preferences were sources of pride that are supposed to be celebrated...? And one other thing I don't get:
[H]e was a frequent visitor of massage parlors and intended to eliminate the temptation he thought they posed. 

UPDATE: And speaking of Muslims...

[Via Jess]

Fouling New Nests

 According to the Fraser Institute’s Annual Economic Freedom in North America Index, the “freest” in the US netted 788,381 people a year in Florida, New Hampshire, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia in five states. [More]

Let's review the bidding: 

Either these Fraser Institute people aren't very deep thinkers or they know exactly what they're doing, and can count on shallow Republican useful idiots to spread happy talk anecdotes while ignoring actually meaningful trends.

In the Spirit of Disarmament

Next on the list of ways to send you to prison?  The world famous “ghost guns”. On March 25th at 8am, Floyd Prozanski and the Senate Judiciary Committee will be hearing SB 396, a bill to ban “undetectable” and “untraceable” firearms and firearm parts. [More]

Nobody thought these idiot hags would stop at "lock up your safety," did they?