Friday, May 14, 2021

Tucker Carlson’s Enthusiasm for NYC Mayoral Candidate is Undeserved


It’s more than hypocritical that Adams has his gun but he demands citizen disarmament, not just for New York City, but for the rest of the country as well. [More]

It's easy to say you would carry a gun when you know you won't be arrested for it -- like your constituents would be.

The Obvious Solution

 Retain accredited auditors. [More]

That is if they're serious.

'Comments are Turned Off'

Looking at the ratio of "thumbs down" to "thumbs up," no wonder. [Watch]

I think they've found the soldiers who will unquestioningly follow orders to disarm their countrymen. 

The Sellout Continues

As we previously reported, two Senate Republicans have joined forces with left wing extremist, Rob Wagner, to pass SB 865. The sole purpose of the bill is to further weaken the Republican Party and attack two Senators who are new party officers. [More]

Swamp Republicans prefer to join with Democrats to destroy principled newcomers. 

Not Democrat Enough

Perhaps they should consider how badly out of step his views are with those of the Virginia voters who elected a Democratic legislature, Democratic governor and two Democratic U.S. senators.  [More]

So it's "conservative" Jennifer Rubin's contention that this guy is too extreme, and the only acceptable Republicans are Democrats?

[Via Mack H]

Here We Go Again

Gun Owners of America (GOA) and Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) along with four Philadelphians have filed a lawsuit seeking to invalidate Philadelphia’s illegal and unconstitutional prohibition on its residents and citizens from making and finishing firearms for their own private use. Pennsylvania Courts have told Philadelphia no less than three times that they are not permitted to locally regulate firearms, as defined in PA Code Title 18, Section 6120. However, Philadelphia politicians either don’t listen or don’t care, instead wasting taxpayer money on ineffectual and illegal legislation. [More]

Question for those who know: Can complaints be made to those judges that the spirit of their orders is still being openly disregarded with contempt, resulting in sanctions with individual accountability, or do "speech and debate" protections allow such in-your-face defiance of the courts?

Not of the Body

 Texas county Democratic Party punishing Democrat legislators who voted for constitutional carry [More]

Dr. McCoy explains:

Sick of Their Sh...

 “While TROY has enjoyed a very successful period of growth in Massachusetts, the changing climate for firearms manufacturers in the state determined the need for our relocation to Tennessee to ensure the continued success of the company," Steve Troy, president and CEO, Troy Industries, Inc., said. [More]

As NSSF noted, "Massachusetts lawmakers are all but mailing eviction notices." Democrat politicians are more than willing to accept the loss of revenue -- and of jobs for citizens they disfavor -- because they can always extort more out of the productive sector when empowered by a voting majority that buys into such theft.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Under the Radar Enough

 You know, it's not uncommon for the FBI to help out local law enforcement, especially when they request it, it's just that we don't often hear about it because it's under the radar. But the FBI says it's fair to say that the FBI does plan on helping law enforcement, local law enforcement, that is, a lot more often. [More]

Looks like they're a wasted resource here because they don't advance the narrative.

I can't say I feel overly sorry for the guy with the watch.

And not how the morons practically turned themselves in.

[Via Dave Licht]

Cooking Up a Storm

Target Removes Trump Hater Chrissy Teigen’s Cookware Line From Its Site After She Tried to Convince Multiple People, Including a Minor Teen to Kill Themselves [More]

Need you ask?

She'll just take her "talents" elsewhere.

That anyone even knows this ... this thing's name is an indictment of "progressive" cultural degeneracy.

[Via Michael G]

Survey SAYS...

Nolte: Support for Gun Control Plummets with Young People, Hispanics [More]

Wake me when the numbers are no longer 69% in favor of Biden.

[Via Allan Wall]

As Seen on the Internet

I don't know who to credit for this but it does express a fundamental truth. We're not the ones who keep squeezing.

Seeing the attorney general smear those who will not accept totalitarian dictats -- and seeing how those who do are being equated with those it is "acceptable" to take out without due process -- make it clear that the provocations are designed to elicit responses. It begins with the low-hanging fruit, and if provocateurs succeed in engineering a destructive enough act, the DSM will have no problem, at least for the time being, of convincing a low-information public that extreme responses are not only appropriate but something to demand.

I wonder how many have considered that may not work out as planned.

[Via Wynn A

UPDATE: Looks like a plan is coming together. I don't suppose it's in the totalitarian wannabe's interests to try what better men than them had reason to believe would work...

There's an App for That

At the crux of Lemmon v. Snap is a filter that displays a user’s current speed. [More]

Sounds like we need to ban speedometers...

If this succeeds, precedent will be used to erode PLCAA protections. Believe it.

[Via Remarks]

Burn the Heretic!

 “What unites us is our Constitution, not the color of our skin. That’s what we have to reflect on,” Cooper said. “There were courageous human beings, black and white fighting together years ago to fight against oppression and prejudice. So why wouldn’t I do that? CRT is exactly what we have to fight against.” [More]

Sounds like she ain't black.

[Via Mack H]

For Themselves and Their Posterity

Why America Needs Skilled Immigrants [More]

I'm sure  David H. McCormick and James M. Cunningham would be happy to unequivocally address my challenge. And back it up with equivalent evidence.

I actually consider NRO more subversive than overtly leftist outlets.

[Via Mack H]

UPDATE: Or perhaps they'd like to argue with Lora Ries.

 [Via Andy M]

Democrat Supremacists

Biden Cronies Plot Ways to Charge Donald Trump and Have Him Extradited to New York [More]

They're bent on not allowing you to vote for a real threat to their grip on power, on the country, on you...