Friday, August 20, 2021


"I may have more on these later," I wrote on Tuesday, linking to a Reason article notifying its readers about two wins in Hawaii. Attorney Alan Beck had sent me pdf's about the cases but I was up to my neck in preexisting online and meatspace priorities.

Fortunately, John Petrolino was able to field these for all of us and give us detailed, timely, and comprehensive reports:

Life in the Igeocracy is one of the most oppressive for gun owners, and no one has fought harder to roll back infringements in that hostile environment than Beck and Stephen Stamboulieh.

76 Talibani Led the Big Parade

Taliban launches a "special forces" parade with U.S.-made weapons. [Watch]

Well, friends, ya got trouble...

With 'Republicans' Like These...

 “Corman’s Got No Place to Hide!” – STEVE BANNON GOES OFF After PA GOP Senate Leader Jake Corman Blocks Subpoenas for Forensic Audit [More]

Ridge, Toomey, on-and-off-again Specter... what's with Pennsylvanians electing stupid Republicans?

[Via Michael G]

A Coup of Impulse?

New Report Debunks Democrat Narratives on January 6th [More]

I'm still not ruling out a planned conspiracy, but until federal provocateurs are identified and the question of who turned off the magnetic locks is answered, it's speculative. 

UPDATE: Perhaps we'll see more of this.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones All-Knowing, All-Seeing Enough

St. Charles police use crime data to predict when, where criminals will strike [More]

The two women enthusiastically announcing the video segment and the unquestioning male cheerleader act like knowing where the bad neighborhoods are, who the bad actors are, and when they typically operate so that you know where to focus patrols is some kind of magic trick.

They haven't been doing this all along?

[Via bondmen]

The Military-Industrial Complex

 A Missouri Army National Guardsman and two owners of a Mascoutah, Illinois scrap metal company subcontracting for the U.S. Department of Defense were indicted for allegedly plotting to steal and eventually sell military gear. [More]

My first thought was to see if the scrap company was one of those that melt down "buy back" guns.

[Via bondmen]

Their Lives Apparently Didn't Matter

 A man wanted in connection with the shooting death of two women in Ferguson over the weekend has been arrested ... St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones on Monday identified one of the victims as her niece. [More]

Am I wrong to suspect many relatives of gun-grabbing urban politicians associate with the wrong people? 

[Via bondmen]

We'll Sing a Song, a Soldier's Song, with Cheering Rousing Chorus

 The ‘Thank You for Your Service’ Red Pill [More]

Between that and the concept of "community heroes," some non-critical thinkers are right where the rulers want them. And, of course, the Militia of the whole people is cast as the enemy.

Meanwhile, Toby gets props for "patriotic" propaganda while he works the regime's will.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Misidentifying Enough

 A Missouri family alleges in a federal lawsuit that Yellowstone National Park rangers and Wyoming sheriff’s deputies seeking a murder suspect held them at gunpoint without adequate cause for an hour. [More]

Clouseau policing...

[Via bondmen]

9 Out of 10 Gunquacks Agree

 Predictably, some of these ghost guns cause trauma, injury and death. [More]

So there's something about being undead that animates them?

I note this gunquack is cashing in on the false equivalency of counting on credentialing in one discipline translating into credibility into an area for which he has none. He just doesn't like guns and wants the state to disarm you.

[Via Jess]

Stopping the Music

 The family and attorney of a Black man shot to death by a security guard, allegedly over a dispute about loud music, are demanding Kroger and the third-party security guard company it employed to also face charges. [More]

Makes more sense than suing the gun manufacturer, but don't be surprised if Sharpton et al. start doing exactly that for shooting deaths of black men by real "Only Ones." 

As a side note, I see ABC has jumped on the racist capitalization bandwagon.  

More family values...

[Via Steve T

He Wrote the Book On It

 I provide additional examples of armed people (small arms) have prevented or overturned tyrannical governments — Philippines, Guatemala, Afghanistan, El Salvador, even the USA in 1776! See Chapters 23 & 24 in America, Guns, and Freedom (2019) Learn, fight back, keep your legislators feet to the fire, prevent tyranny with information and education. Instruct your neighbors and family, particularly supplement your children's education at home (I did) and neutralize the PC indoctrination they get in school. [More]

What he said.

Date Night in Chi-Town

 The video shows the woman collapse in the middle of the street. Her boyfriend tried pulling her to safety, but she said she was disoriented. [More]

What, after they "clocked" him from behind (so much for situational awareness), he wasn't in the middle of it? He not only couldn't help her, he couldn't help himself? 

I see what Machiavelli meant

I guess men protecting women is another holdover from a shameful past to be pulled down and scorned. I guess the Moms Demand types get exactly the partners they deserve ... and why did the word "cats" just pop into my head?