Friday, August 27, 2021

Still Time to Enroll in Summer Camp!

This 8.0-hour, instructor-led course is designed to provide the knowledge necessary to begin planning for situations requiring the isolation and quarantine (I&Q) of a large portion of a local, rural population. This training will provide public- and private-sector emergency managers, community policy makers, public health, and public safety personnel with the general knowledge necessary to begin planning for situations requiring the isolation and quarantine of a large portion of a local, rural population.  [More]

I'm sorry if the current crop of controllers don't fill me with confidence that they might have legitimate, life and liberty-protecting reasons for keeping those who present a specific danger to the general population away from it.

Why do I suspect it won't all be shrimp on the barbie?

[Via DvD]

Any Questions?


And thank you for your service! 

Just Super!

 DC Comics will make Superman gay in an unexpected shake-up, and fans are overjoyed [More]

Why not

He's already unamerican

I can use a "he" pronoun, can't I?

Things sure weren't this complicated back when I still read comics when I was 10.

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Term 'Major Escalation' Is

 In a major escalation in the fight over Arizona’s Maricopa County’s refusal to comply with a Senate election audit subpoena, the state attorney general's office ordered the county to give in or lose its state funding, which provides nearly a third of the county’s budget. [More]

Seems to me if I refused to comply with a subpoena, they'd be sending men with guns and a warrant over to my house...

[Via Michael G]

Vigilante Commits Machete Violence

Armed with a machete the homeowner told the man to leave but a confrontation ensued and the homeowner struck the intruder in the face with the machete. [More]
I'm just trying to keep this consistent with the way gun-grabbers paint things...

[Via Remarks]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Approved' Is

 Did the FDA Pull a Bait-and-Switch on the American People? [More]

The people demanding we trust them are the biggest reason "conspiracy theories" exist.

[Via Michael G]

An Ungodly Development

 New chief chaplain at Harvard is an atheist [More]

Looking at who picked him, a quote from Hillary comes to mind.

[Via Michael G]

Another Problem with #BelieveWomen

Woman wearing ‘Purge’ mask taken to hospital after terrifying High Ridge mother [More]

I wish they'd identify her so I could see if she has a Facebook page demanding "commonsense gun safety laws."

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Enticing Enough

 Maryland Heights Police officer charged with child enticement [More]

And again with the dating etiquette dilemma...

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Hyper-Focused Enough

 As Louisville’s criminal activity rises, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is doubling down on its effort to drive crime out of the city. FBI agents are partnering with the Louisville Metro Police Department to target gangs and violent criminal groups, called the Safe Streets Task Force. Soon, more FBI agents will be in the area to put a hyper focus on these efforts. [More]

Well, this should accomplish exactly nothing as far as changing conditions from which more such misfits are assured...

[Via bondmen]

A Band-Aid Approach

 Stray bullets fly in rural Johnson County. Now reckless shooters face $1,000 fines [More]

Maybe if they faced return fire it would stop.

I don't get why "authorities" need a new law.

[Via bondmen]

I'm Having a Hard Time Getting Worked Up Over This

 Prosecutors for first time not opposing parole for RFK assassin Sirhan Sirhan [More]

Whenever I hear about RFK, I think about that stupid liberal "Abraham, Martin and John" song from the 60s -- and when I think about the line "Anybody here seen my old friend Bobby?" I want to answer "Yeah, he's wiretapping Martin."

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Oblivious Enough

 NYPD suspends cops caught on video doing nothing after gunman accidentally shoots own leg on Harlem sidewalk [More]

When seconds count it doesn't even matter if they're right there.

[Via Steve T

A Clear Path

 Not that anyone in power is inclined to take it... [More]

The Arbiters of What You Need

As the government noted at Zamudio’s detention hearing in this matter, “There are really no legitimate uses for silencers, other than to kill people. They are not used in hunting. They are not used for recreation purposes.” [More]

So lies are admissible?

And that's why the "Only Ones" want them for their "patrol rifles"?

The NBC Cleanup Crew

 “It was impossible for me to see what was on the other side,” he said ...  I believe I showed the utmost courage ... [More]

So much for "Be sure of your target."

So much for courage.

I wonder if the media would be so sympathetic to a white cop explaining the same scenario in his decision to shoot a BLM protestor breaking into a building.

No, I don't.

Brace Yourselves


My comment tracking number is kst-f8l7-fw1y and I'll let'cha know when it's up.

Have you weighed in?

Insult to Injury

Nina Salarno, president of the advocacy group Crime Victims United of California, said it is undisputed that Brooklyn-born Capone headed Chicago’s mob during Prohibition and orchestrated the deaths of many people. She called the sale of his personal belongings an insult to his victims. [More]

It's not like Jeffrey Dahmer selling his flatware. Sounds like Nina would freak at a militaria show...

There's a line some survivors cross when they feel compelled to dictate to others what is and is not acceptable. They turn the natural human inclination of sympathizing with them for their loss into resentment of their demands to submit to subjective limitations and share in the blame -- especially when those demands are made enforceable.