Monday, October 11, 2021

Flanking Maneuver

 The very existence of an investigation is a clear message that only partisanship on behalf of the left will be tolerated in the U.S. military. [More]

Here's the part that I'd like some input on:

If Clark receives an administrative reprimand after all this, it will either stop his advancement until he is forced out of the Marines or force him out of the Marines simply with an administrative separation. 

Wouldn't he have the right to refuse and demand a court-martial trial? Would there then be a potential for this?

If they are tried and convicted in the appeals court, the case reaches the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. If a service member is convicted in this court, they would likely receive a dishonorable discharge, a bad-conduct discharge, or, in the case of an officer, a dismissal.

Because we know what that could mean.

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Kidnapping Enough

A federal judge has ruled that two cops who work at a public school in Midland, Texas, can be sued for seizing a 14-year-old from her family's apartment because she was there alone. Despite her pleas, the officers did not let the girl call her parents for hours, nor would they let her pick up the phone when her father called. They also searched the family's home without a warrant. [More]

It sounds like they're the ones who can't be trusted on their own.

[Via Michael G]

Not Agreeing to Disagree

 Va. Redistricting Commission implodes as Republicans reject compromise and Democrats walk out [More]

Define "compromise."

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones In the Majority Enough

 Senior Australian police officer sensationally quits during interview, says 'vast majority' of cops don't believe in COVID orders [More]


How many are going to join you?

[Via Jess]

That's No Reason to Disqualify Future Democrats

 Biden Exempts Some Crimes by Illegal Immigrants as Basis for Deportation [More]

Because what screams "welcome visitors" more than domestic abuse and drunk driving?

Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue."

[Via Michael G]

The Hypocrite Oath

 Doctors should think less about the health of their patients and more about the health of the planet, an editorial in the BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal) has urged. [More]

First, do harm.

[Via Michael G]

Point of Order

 Only A Well-Armed Citizenry Can Effectively Resist Tyranny via Treason [More]

Actually, treason is what the tyrants would be doing.

[Via Jess]

It's What's for Dinner

 Major storable food supplier Augason Farms ceases operations for 90 days, citing collapsing supply chain [More]

Some of us may yet come to be grateful that all that free-range cannibal food will prove to be softer targets.

[Via bondmen]

Down in Mexico, Where the Peppers Grow

 The messages indicate that the cops and the cartel worked together to capture, torture, and murder at least 38 of the 43 student teachers who went missing in September of 2014. [More]

By all means, then, send them more money!

[Via bondmen]

Obviously, It's the Guns

 Teen dead after ‘gun battle’ on 6th Street, APD officer fired weapon during shootout [More]

I can't help but wonder when the phrase "an aspiring rapper" will surface in media reports.

[Via bondmen]

Let's Be Careful Out There

 ‘It Can Happen To Anybody’: Woman Punched Unconscious On Center City Street Speaks Exclusively To CBS3 [More]

After watching that lead-up, not to anybody.

[Via bondmen]

At Least She's Taken Care Of

Member Of Toni Preckwinkle's Security Team Fires Gun At Would-Be Carjacker [More]

See? She's aware.

[Via bondmen]

Subsidizing the Enemy

 Facing stunning levels of deaths, U.S. and Mexico revamp strained security cooperation [More]

By "cooperation" they mean funnel billions in tax plunder to cartel enablers making war on us by trafficking invaders? I don't suppose anyone has tried "If you want to participate in our prosperity, this is what you have to do"?

[Via bondmen]

A Demanding Mom

DA says mother used city settlement money to buy weapons for gang [More]

It's a girl thing.

We ought to fix her up with Hector.

[Via Steve T


 3D Gun Legend, "JStark," Famous For "FGC-9," Dead At 28-Years Old [More]

Anybody else's spider-sense tingling...?

[Via  An Hour of Wolves]


 We seem to be hurtling toward the edge of the cliff... [More]

I can't help but recall Mr. Adams' sentiment and wonder how those who avoid the small stuff will respond when time is up.

We're the Only Ones Driven Enough

 A detective who racked up more than $15,000 in unpaid tolls and fees was busted for driving his unregistered vehicle in Brooklyn — and tried to get out of trouble by flashing his NYPD badge, sources said. [More]

What, "professional courtesy" didn't work this time...?

[Via Michael G]

Spider & the Fly

Xiism Is Torture, Gangsterism, and Murder for Profit [More]

See the latest outrages in China, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and more... Get the latest news from the Anticommunism Action Team...

Pull That 'Also' S*** Some Places and You'll Be Lucky to Make It Out Alive

 For a small but increasingly emboldened minority of contemporary Americans, the assertion that black lives also matter — the intended meaning, which was always obvious — was more than they could countenance. [More]

It's not obvious to everyone...

What's obvious is that by "small but increasingly emboldened minority," he means "Republicans."

Why You and I Must Be Disarmed

 Police said on social media that three men "who were involved in this morning's homicide and shootings at a West Seventh Street bar" had been arrested: Terry Lorenzo Brown Jr., 33, Devondre Trevon Phillips, 29, and Jeffrey Orlando Hoffman, 32. [More]

All I can figure after seeing this and this is that Devondre must have been their custodian...

A Game of Chicken

Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops have not yet complied with vaccine mandate as deadlines near [More]

Hold on a sec... I feel another wave of paranoia coming on...

Speaking of Systemic Racism and White Privilege...

 McAuliffe Tells Black Anchor That Bringing Up Critical Race Theory Is ‘Racist’ [More]

Did he also lecture her that anyone who would ask him that "ain't black"?

[Via Michael G]

Tangentially-Related Update:
‘Are we blowing this?’: McAuliffe and friends plead for online cash. Former Gov. Terry McAuliffe's fundraising pleas have grown more desperate in recent weeks, including leaning on Democratic celebrities past and present for help. [More]
So it's time to call in the rich and connected white Democrats?

[Via Mack H]

Pay No Attention to Those Red Hands

 The school district continues to deny that it teaches critical race theory. [More]

Life imitates art.

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of Privilege and Inequality...

You could almost say it was "systemic"!

[Via 1Gat]

And tangentially related:
Analysis: Kyle Rittenhouse 9/17/21 Evidentiary Hearing Rulings
[Via Michael G]

Give Him Another Five Bucks and He'll Read Your Palm

 He Saw America’s Crackup Coming in 2011—He Says It’s Worse Now [More]

For a guy who's supposedly prescient, he sure is misreading a lot of current signals in favor of the elites-serving "white supremacist/systemic racism" narrative.

Methinks he has no clue the whirlwind that will reap.

From the Office of After-the-Fact Responses

A new agency that was announced three months ago in order to direct resources to areas seeing a spike in shootings is still not set up. [More]
They don't know where the high-crime neighborhoods are and need a bureaucracy for that...?


[Via Jess]

The Bidenizer

 The weapon is described as an electronic device that repeats a speaker’s own voice back to them – and only them – while they’re talking, disorienting them to the point where they’re unable to continue communicating. This is done by recording their speech and broadcasting it back to them in milliseconds. [More]

Talk about a technology just begging for civil authority abuse. I can attest firsthand from a glitch causing an almost instantaneous phone feedback loop of my voice while doing talk radio that this works. After a few seconds of it, I started to sound positively "presidential."

My guess is if they did it "right" they could cause seizures.

[Via Florida Guy

We're the Only Ones Crippling Enough

 Police in Ohio forcibly pulled a paraplegic man out of his vehicle and threw him to the ground, despite his repeated appeals and him saying he has no use of his legs, according to body-camera video released Friday. [More]

So that's "follow[ing] the law, their training, and department policies and procedures"?

I am curious as to what they had probable cause to believe. The Dayton FOP has locked down its Facebook account, so it looks like we'll only be hearing from mouthpieces going forward.

[Via Remarks]

Toy Story

California mandates gender-neutral toy aisles for large retailers ... [More]

"Progress" from the Mandatory Gender Reassignment Administration... and no affected corporation dares resist, assuming any want to.

First they came for the toy guns...

Fundamentalist Transformation

 Elites Want to Break Wyoming Using Afghan Evacuees [More]

Tell me the thought of more burqas at the Casper Sam's Club doesn't swell you with a sense of virtue...

Editorial Correction

Chuck Schumer Urges President Biden To Crack Down On "Ghost Guns" [More]

Chuck Schumer Urges President Biden To Crack Down On ALL Guns.

Remember the Jimmy Carter Gas Lines?

An energy crisis is gripping the world, with potentially grave consequences [More]

As Biden and the Democrats close pipelines, stop offshore drilling, ban "fracking," shutter coal mines...

My wife visited a friend in Virginia this past weekend and said there were stations in WVA that were out of gas. 

At least those who can afford it will still be able to get Chicom blood metals.

Blah blah blah...

Silenced Spring

 The Malaria Vaccine Is a Welcome Step for a Disease Hastened by Environmentalism - The WHO said spraying DDT indoors could reduce malaria transmission by up to 90 percent. [More]

The same folks WHO say "Jabs for everyone"?

What is it about socialists and genocide?

[Via Mack H]

Free Advertising!

Every so often spammers try to get through in comments. You'd think with moderation they'd know better.

This was submitted under two separate posts:

They generally begin these things with a generic "compliment," hoping the false flattery will get them through the door and let them slip in an ad. Me, I wonder what kind of legitimate gun business relies on being a parasite off the labor of others, and if that's indicative of other business model principles. The problematic grammar also raises a flag, as does the name "omna vani," which "coincidentally" also leads to a labrador puppies pet scam warning.

I checked out "" (sorry, guys, no live link for you) and the site does look pretty nice -- on the surface -- but telltale clues, including grammar that screams "Google Translate" and a FreePik portrait for one of the testimonial sharers, raise more flags.

So I decided to check them out on and saw an administrator address that when entered into Google led to a "suspicious website" scam advisory for "" at the same address. As for our newfound friends at "":

There's your free ad, guy. Hope you like it.

We're the Only Ones Traditional Enough

 “They had beer and they wore guns and they all thought it was great to be young and drunk and ignorant,” Breslin wrote. “They were screaming that the mayor, this Black mayor, wants a Civilian Review Board. And they put it right out in the sun yesterday in front of City Hall: We have a police force that is openly racist and there is a question as to what good they possibly can be in a city that will be famous forever as existing grandly with every other color there is between here and Mars.” [More]

It's only "common sense" that these "community heroes" could carry there and you still can't. Which is just fine by Eric Adams.

And remember, if you lift a finger...

[Via Remarks]

Can't You Take a Joke?

 I think it’s appropriate to push the envelope and get people talking so I proposed parity legislation so if you don’t understand satire you aren’t going to get it. [More]

Yeah, Hank didn't mean it about Guam, either ... after he got called on it.

Amanda Huginkiss... I Need Amanda Huginkiss...

 Passenger Trolls Airline Into Paging “Let’s Go Brandon” on Intercom at Chicago Airport [More]

Shades of Clinton Kildepstein...

Second Star to the Right and Straight on 'til Morning

 From 1960 to October 22, 1962, 14,048 unaccompanied children between 6 and 18 years old were able to leave Cuba under “Operation Peter Pan” ... Some of these children ended up on the opposite side from their freedom and American-loving parents after passing through the educational system in the U.S., increasingly controlled by Marxist professors and infiltrators since the 1960s. [More]

Yep. Because current teachings say Peter Pan is racist.

Disney family values, you know...

There's no place left to fly to as erasing the Republic's history transforms it into "Neverland"...

[Via Agustin B]

Down the Garden Path

 We found that after both the greening and trash cleanup interventions, gun violence went down significantly. The steepest drop in crime, up to 29 percent, was in the several blocks surrounding vacant lots in neighborhoods whose residents live below the poverty line. [More]

So you don't need "gun control"...?

[Via Jess]

How to Self-Immolate founder Chris Callahan donated to Biden and the company is requiring all employees to get the jab? [Watch]

Here's some clarification that still doesn't excuse a guy who wrote this .

Mark Walters has the whistleblower allegations about the jab and company non-response.

Twitter and Facebook commenters are catching on...

[Via Jess]

UPDATE: stops mandatory vaccination plan for employees [More]
Don't expect all to just forgive and forget, because this whole mess was self-created, avoidable, inexcusable, and tone-deaf, and this latest smacks of fear and damage control desperation instead of sincerity.

Speaking of Inequality

In certain cases in which white militia groups have confronted law enforcement directly – such as the armed standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon in 2016 – federal authorities have pounced on them. Recently, white members of militia groups have been charged after bringing weapons to demonstrations and altercations around the country. Nonetheless, the federal government’s case against Grandmaster Jay follows a longstanding pattern of clampdowns on Black Americans who arm themselves. [More]

So the "real reporter" just got done admitting whites get "pounced on," and then complains when the same thing happens to blacks who act up? And did everybody catch the calculated "w/B" scam being perpetrated on the national consciousness?

Poor incompetent Grandmaster Jay. He makes the case that cops kill unarmed blacks, then aims a rifle at "Only Ones" and their response confirms racism? What, would they let whites walk?

And as for the false narrative at the center of all this, who are you going to believe, the DSM or your lying eyes and ears?

Maj Toure at VCDL Lobby Day from NOVA Digital Films on Vimeo.

The big secret those who would disarm us all don't want out: We CAN all get along. All that's needed is equal application of "The Golden Rule." 

Hawaii Complaint Rights Wrongful Disarmament Determination by Police

What that means is that Lance Choda, a Hawaii man denied a permit to acquire a firearm and ordered to dispose of any firearms he already owned, has won his case, for himself and for others similarly wrongfully denied. [More]

Why do some feel servile gratitude is the proper response to "Only Ones" denying them their rights? An alternative caption for the photo could have been "Fawning Eloi laud Morlocks for all that they provide."