Thursday, December 16, 2021

A Case to Watch

 Judge Rules Hospital Can't Block Treatment of COVID-19 With Ivermectin [More]

While going either way won't provide enough information to draw an informed generalized conclusion, it will nonetheless be symbolically very powerful.

If they're both cured, a "Booyah!" will not be uncalled for, at least from an emotional point of view. And I'm sure if it goes the other way, there will be no shortage of "progressives" celebrating on Twitter and condemning them for trying.

The Photon Torpedo Loophole

 USS Portland Uses Its Experimental Laser To Fry A Floating Target In The Middle East [More]

How much? Any law against crowdfunding one? Who wouldn't want to buy a ticket to zap something?

I remember when a computer that would fill a room had less processing ability than my hand-held cellphone and am anticipating advances in energy storage size reduction that will someday make Star Trek-style phaser pistols a reality.

Make those "For government and law enforcement use only" and deny that technology to the people, and the Second Amendment could be effectively nullified through obsolescence.

[Via Michael G]

Rejection is Heresy

 This is the communist inquisition of the free-world. [More]

T.L. Davis finds more than a metaphor in the War on Freedom.

We're From the Government and We're Here to Help

 Fairfax County launched a public awareness campaign to let county residents know about the state's new "red flag" law and how they can help. [More]

Funny how that so often turns out...

Now we get to see if Youngkin meant what he said about repealing it.

[Via Mack H]

One Way to Out the Phonies

 South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem will introduce girls' sports bill banning trans competitors as outrage grows over UPenn swimmer Lia Thomas [More]

Remember when the issue used to be a joke even "liberal" college kids appreciated?

So why aren't the "progressive" women's groups lining up and screaming to support this? Maybe because what they have really been advancing is something else?

[Via Mack H]

Welcome Back to the Big Club

 A former senior FBI lawyer who falsified a surveillance document in the Trump-Russia investigation has been restored as a member in "good standing" by the District of Columbia Bar Association even though he has yet to finish serving out his probation as a convicted felon, according to disciplinary records obtained by RealClearInvestigations. [More]

Yeah, they'll let anybody in.

What did Groucho Marx supposedly have to say about that?

[Via Michael G]

Recruitment Efforts Hit Temporary Snag

 2 teachers at a California school reportedly coached a 12 year old into a trans identity behind her parents back. The school also changed her name and pronouns without informing the parents. [More]

Time to cancel the parents as haters...

Where's that dad work...?

[Via Michael G]

Where the Girls Aren't

Elite Winsor Girls School In Boston Moving Away From Calling Girls “Girls” [More]

I'll bet they're a lot of fun to have around the table during Christmas break.

[Via Michael G]

Enforce Existing Intolerable Acts!

 In response, Sen. Grassley offered an alternative unanimous consent request for S.1775, the Protecting Communities and Preserving the Second Amendment Act of 2021–legislation that would actually reduce violent crime while bolstering protections for law-abiding gun owners. S. 1775 would increase prosecutions and penalties for those that violate the myriad of gun laws already on the books –an approach NRA has supported for decades. [More]

Yeah, I know.

I also know that "I will not comply" defiance, by definition, means a gun owner is no longer "law-abiding."

I sure wish that our "leaders" would stop setting traps for us and that their blind followers would wake the hell up.

[Via gj54]

In Case You Mythed It


I guess "myth" is the new "baseless"?

In any case, if you buy into it you're a racist.

[Via Michael G]

Everyone Knows It's Slinky!

 Retailers using Slinky-like barrier to deter robberies, nab thieves [More]

Note it doesn't say how many have been deterred and nabbed?

Anything to avoid facing reality, I guess...

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Harboring Enough

 Texas Border Police Detective Arrested for Allegedly Harboring Migrants [More]

That ought to legally constitute treason because it sure as hell morally does.

[Via bondmen]

Kansas City, Here I Come

 613 guns stolen from vehicles in Kansas City this year... [More]

Well, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...

Hey, if they're not being reported, how do they know? And then we find "gun control" is the main reason people leave them in cars. Gotta leave "bar carry" to the professionals...

The intent, of course, is to require reporting by the "law-abiding," as if that will result in a damn thing, except maybe some self-incrimination and liability...

[Via bondmen]

Same Old Story

 No, leftists in the media can’t reprise that same theme music, and thus it appears their goal is to play a head game on GOP voters by attempting to pre-emptively convince them that Trump cannot win the presidency again in 2024, no matter if you like him or not, and that in fact, his candidacy alone will actually cost Republicans an election they should easily win. This storyline is evident in writing across the spectrum of elite anti-Trump journalism. [More]

Actually, trying to spook low-information "Republicans" into believing that their salvation lies in "moderation" is one of the oldest tricks in the playbook.

[Via bondmen]

Not So Nicetown

 Gunfire in Philadelphia's Nicetown section injured one man and damaged offices belonging to Pennsylvania Senator Sharif Street and the NAACP. [More]

How is it no "white supremacists" have been arrested?

[Via bondmen]

Follow the 'Leader'

 NY AG James: ‘We Need to Follow’ CA Gov’s Lead to Allow Citizens to Sue Gun Sellers, Makers [More]

I'm debating doing an article on this, which is why I haven't been blogging on some of the tips received. A lot of gun people are writing about it and I'm looking for a hook no one else is really emphasizing.

[Via bondmen]

Binge and Purge

 It's Like "The Purge": Murder Records Are Being Shattered All Over America, And Next Year Could Be Even Worse [More]

And guess what the places they're being shattered have in common.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Authorizing Enough

 FBI And Other Agencies Paid Informants $548 Million In Recent Years With Many Committing Authorized Crimes [More]

So enforceable law is what the enforcers say it is? Think of the possibilities!

Maybe that's how the agents can beat their latest OIG rap-- just say they authorized themselves.

[Via Jess]

Speaking of Enemies...

 Blumenthal refers to Republicans as enemies of communism [Watch]

Here's an exclamation point for when we talked about this lying traitor yesterday.

[Via Jess]

We’re The Only Ones Poaching Enough

 Hunting without a license, hunting after dark, hunting from a moving vehicle, and spotlighting deer ... Then to boot, he was around a felon in possession of a firearm. [More]

So Javarrea's with Cousatta PD now? What happened to the DeSoto Parish gig?

Ever Notice How 'Commonsense Safety Laws' Imposed by Zealots Always Turn Into Bans?

 Islamic Republic of Iran considers nationwide ban on ‘unclean, un-Islamic’ dogs [More]

Here's what that attitude makes inevitable:

Instances of people being attacked by stray dogs have also fueled calls for restrictions…

Fortunately, at least for the Mullahs, Iran has plenty of Imams Demand Action-style "commonsense gun safety laws," like background checks, licensing, and registration...

I've talked before on occasion about how as a boy I lived in Iran for five years (that's me on the top left). We called such wild dogs "jube dogs" (jubes being ditches along the side of the road) and there were packs of them all over the place. The government actually did a mass "roundup" while we were there.

I used to ride my bike all over the place with my Daisy BB rifle strapped to my shoulder, and a few times had to discourage an aggressive animal from approaching with a well-placed shot to its body.

My point is I did this in the Shah's Iran and nobody bothered me... Had my own sons tried riding around the neighborhood with a BB gun when they were of similar age and we were living in Redondo Beach, CA, you can bet there would have been a multiple car "Only Ones" response. 

The Magic Number

Columbia study: True U.S. COVID vaccine death count is 400,000 Other estimates of underreporting on CDC's VAERS site much higher [More]

I know there's still some disagreement over how many victims constitute a "mass shooting."

Is there an official number threshold that when crossed meets the criteria to be called "genocide"?


Wuhan Lab Leak ‘Is Now the Most Likely Origin of COVID’ – MIT/Harvard Scientist Tells UK MPs - Dr. Alina Chan also highlighted the virus’ unique feature indicating probable genetic engineering. [More]

And those are people who know a thing or two about genocide...

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Penetrating Enough

 The OIG substantiated allegations against six FBI officials as follows. The OIG investigation found that four FBI officials solicited, procured, and accepted commercial sex overseas, and that a fifth FBI official solicited commercial sex overseas, in violation of DOJ and FBI policies. The OIG investigation also found that four of those officials lacked candor about their interactions with prostitutes and other misconduct during OIG compelled interviews and compelled polygraph examinations, in violation of FBI policies, and that one of those officials made false statements in an OIG compelled interview and compelled polygraph examination in violation of federal law, when the official denied having engaged in sex acts with a prostitute. [More]

They've been screwing American citizens for so long, why should a few foreign whores bother anybody?

Hey, what are the "prohibited person" consequences for lying to federal enforcers again...?

[Via Jess]

Dial 911 and Die

 Paramedics refuse to go into facility due to COVID-19 concerns [More]

The paramount concern of "community heroes" has always been to (you know the rest)...

Fair Warning

 "I very much regret the tone that I’ve taken on social media from time to time, particularly if it’s given anyone the impression that I wouldn’t be impartial," Ho said during the hearing. [More]

I didn't mean for you to understand how badly I hate you and the lengths I'll go to for power over you.

Resistance is Futile, You Will Be Assimilated

 Beware Prophecies of Civil War - The idea that such a catastrophe is unavoidable in America is inflammatory and corrosive. [More]

He makes it seem like the people resisting infringements are the ones responsible for starting things.

Then again, consider the source.

UPDATE: Charles M. Blow from "the newsraper of record" once more does what his name suggests.

[Via bondmen]

UK Paper and U.S. Prohibitionists Stage Meltdown Over Massie Christmas Card

Then again, the only “shockwaves” and “furore” [BS] are being manufactured by those whose goal is to control all arms for their own ends, and howled at and amplified by indignant useful idiots sharing their agenda along with no small amount of actual hoplophobes, that is, people with responsibility-crippling emotional disabilities who prefer the illusion of feeling safe to actually being that way. [More]
Hyperventilating gun-grabbers are congenital grinches? Who knew?