Monday, January 24, 2022

Just Between Us Girls

 Moms Demand/Everytown backed Governor Kate Brown considering release of brutal murderer (gun used) [More]

Well, Lynley Janet Rayburn* has been wearing orange for 14 years... Maybe when she gets out she can become a "commonsense gun safety law" motivational speaker.

And, oh, look, the victim took gun-grabber advice and gave them what they wanted:

Smith and Rayburn hogtied him and raided the house, which at the time was stocked up with Christmas gifts. They took his debit and bank cards and requested him for the PIN numbers, which he provided hoping they’d take his belongings and go away.

If they want to tie you up, consider yourself already dead with nothing to lose and act accordingly.

*Fox News does not allow access to direct links from Blogger. I also find it more than revealing that-- at this writing --  a search under the "Google News" tab shows no other "news" networks or papers have chosen to mention this.

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