Thursday, January 13, 2022

Like Rats Clawing Each Other to Escape

 “Hannah relied upon and trusted that defendants would only supply dummy prop ammunition or blanks, and no live rounds were ever to be on set.” [More]

Who put live rounds in the day before to go target shooting? She can't say she didn't know there were live rounds. Who brought that ammunition in? Are there invoices?

Hannah sounds like a desperate to escape her own portion of culpability idiot. Kind of like the star/producer who hired her on the cheap.

[Via bondmen]


  1. Plenty of stupid to divvy up in this occurrence.

    All pointing fingers and scurrying for cover.

    Seems not one individual involved was familiar with 'trust but verify', aka, make sure the damn piece ain't loaded.

  2. Sounds like a whole lot of assuming went on.

    You know what they say about "ASSUME"?

    Normally the answer would be "Makes an ASS of U and ME."

    But in this case, it made one person dead, put another in the hospital, and ruined a few careers and reputations.

    Wen firearms are concerned, never assume, check, check more than once, check as many times as necessary to be dead sure.


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